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stem cell cure for baldness

stem cell cure for baldness

is stem cell therapy for hair loss is effectiveor not? i tried everything for my hair like hair transplant,prp, mesotherapy and taking multivitamins etc but i didn't get any good result. maybemy hair is get worse. i'm a female, 26 years old and i'm nearly bald. my doctor is suggestingfor me the stem cells treatment. so what do you think? should i go for it? thank you for your question! you're 26 years old and you submitted a photowhich demonstrates significant hairloss and that you've tried many modalities to treatyour hair loss including transplant as well as mesotherapy, injections, multivitaminsetc. as a 26 year old female with very diffuse

hair loss, i would ask first that you havea proper diagnosis as to the cause of your hair loss. female pattern hair loss which accounts for95%, when you talk about hair loss, 95% is either male pattern or female pattern hairloss. within female pattern hair loss, there's statistics that 30% of women under the ageof 50 having hair loss compared to 50% of women over the age of 50. female hair lossvery much an area that is really not paid that much attention to. i suspect there isno single solution. you've asked about stem cell therapy. i think that you can learn a lot from ourexperience. our practice has developed a method

of hair loss treatment called hair regenerationwhich we use for male and female pattern hair loss as well as usual situation such as alopeciaareata, systemic lupus erythematosus and other immune diagnosis. however, one of the thingsi would do for a person in your situation if you have come to us, if you have not gottena biopsy, then it is very important that in minimum, we do several points in the scalpof biopsies. we actually send our pathology sample to our very respected university pathologydepartment to be sure that we have a correct diagnosis. even with our hair regenerationtreatment, which is a combination of extracellular matrix designed originally for wound healingwhich is derived from pig bladder and combining that with platelet-rich plasma, we have inrough number over all. when it comes to male

pattern hair loss, we have close to 100% or99.9% success rate of benefit. in female pattern hair loss around 70%-80% and with alopeciaareata, lupus, we have a 50% rate of success. there are certain conditions however thatwe cannot treat with this stem call based therapy which includes scarring type of alopecia.these are conditions such as lichen planopilaris. so if you have not have a biopsy, then biopsywould be the first thing i would recommend read by a very experienced pathologist familiarwith hair. not every pathologist looks at hair just like any other specialization ismedicine. the most common diagnosis in hair loss is androgenetic alopecia. once the diagnosishas been confirmed then we would then proceed to options for treatment to try to regenerate.a lot of our patients come to us, when we

miniaturization which is when the hair isslowly thinning. they go from thicker hair to thinner hair then we tend to call thatas some variation of androgenetic alopecia. so those types of alopecia tend to respondto hair regeneration treatment. the term stem cell therapy has been overusedand abused and a lot of people who offer are basically offering a questionable treatmentfor very desperate people. so it's very important that you do your research and you understandwhat it means to have stem cell therapy. we have heard that stem cells derived from plantsthat are being injected. and other people are doing deriving stem cells after doingliposuction. certainly, there is some legitimacy to that. there has actually been a study whereplacing fat under the scalp derived from liposuction

actually helped hair growth. i think it hasto do with some relation to the stem cells and growth factors to initiate hair growthbut that's a discussion outside the scope of this question. again, i think the take home message is properdiagnosis then consider proper treatment. hair regeneration is something that we offeris something that you can learn about and learn about the concepts about and decideif this something worth pursuing and finding a provider that can offer you that in an areathat may be convenient for you. so i hope that was helpful, i wish you the best of luckand thank you for your question!


  1. Stem cell therapy is an intervention strategy that introduces new adult stem cells into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury. People who wants to go for therapy and stem cell therapy can visit this site.
