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stem cell therapy for copd

stem cell therapy for copd

i'm amazing. i can do everything i wantedto do. activities of daily living i can handle. i can go shopping. i can walk around. i cantake a shower. i can do everything i couldn't do before. my daughter lives here and so now we go out to eat and we go shopping and we do a lot of things that i was never able to do before. i could breathe a little easier. i wasn'thaving to fight the infection as much and as time went on, i didn't have to fight itat all. i told my friends quit coming around. i wasdying on a vine. this thing saved me, you know. it saved me. now, i am almost like i was before i everhad a problem. i'm just so happy.

it changes your life. i mean, i know everybody is different, but it made a world of difference. i'm free man! i had been told by many pulmonologists that therewas no cure and no hope and what i had was terminal. not anymore. this was the first time we found not onlyhope, but he's better! he's much better and that's the part people have to know.


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