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stem cell nutrition

ty bollinger: okay. you mentioned stem cells.dr. bradford weeks: right. for the past seven years – i am one of four doctors now thatis qualified to teach insulin potentiated chemotherapy ipt. andthat is a fabulous way to do chemotherapy. so fabulous that i justthink it is illogical for anyone who is going to get chemotherapy if they want to do chemothey should do ipt. a couple of quick reasons and this might beincluded in other people discussing it. you have to know that whenyou give insulin it shifts the cancer cells to what is called the s phase or the synthesisphase or the active phase. and that is the only phase that chemotherapycan be effective. so you have really four

phases that thecancer cell can be in. so you got a 25% chance if you give chemo that it is going to killthe cancer cell. well if you give insulin beforehand it pushes them at about70% s phase. so now you got almost a three out of four chanceto kill cancer cells. if you are going to give chemo let’s kill the cancer cells.just giving a little insulin pushes the cells into a vulnerable phase.the second thing i like about insulin potentiated chemotherapy is that when you give the insulinit makes the cell membranes not only more permeable tochemotherapy selectively compared to your other healthy cells,but it also inhibits the cancer cell from

kicking out the toxic chemotherapy. as goodas ipt is i don’t offer it anymore. the reason i don’t is it only killstumors. cancer tumors are not the real target. cancer stem cellswhich is usually about less than 3% of the tumor mass would be the cancer stem cell. theseare the ring leaders. these are the guys that are fomentinga riot and they have their lieutenants. but for the most part agroup riot is really composed of bystanders who watch and maybe go along. the tumor isnot dangerous. the primary tumor rarely kills people unless itgrows big enough to obstruct an airway or an artery or something.but it is the metastatic process that is dangerous.

what we now know from people like professormax wicha, max dean at stanford, wicha is in michiganthe literature if you search cancer stem cells and google it if anyof the patients will search cancer stem cells they will see that the cancer stem cell isthe real target. and one of my favorite quotes is thomas pynchon ingravity’s rainbow he says, "if you can get people to ask the wrongquestion the answer doesn’t matter." the wrong question being asked is how can we shrinktumors, how can we kill tumors – all my good, wonderfulcolleagues are targeting the tumors. for the last six years i have beenthe only one saying you got to go after the

cancer stem cells. if you shrink the tumorit is not correlated to longevity. if you attack the tumor effectivelyit will as injured tissue secrete an inflammatory cytokine to recruituncommitted stem cells from the mezankine to migrate to the injured tissue, the cancerwhich was attacked by the chemo. now here come thesestem cells to the attacked tumor, injured tissue. and they sayhere we come. by the way, what would you like us to become? and they become a tumor. that's why max whica is on record and a distinguished professorof oncology. max wicha is on record for saying chemotherapy andradiation make your cancer worse.

you can’t just stop a gazillion dollar industryin its tracks and have everyone say to their patients sorry nochemo today. our gurus have told us not. until they can start making money on an anti-inflammatorywhich is what they are working on now because the anti-inflammatorywill stop the recruitment of the cancer of the non– of the stem cells which become cancer stem cells. anyway, the thing i wanted tosay there is that the real target is to stop cancer stem cells for threereasons – only they metastasize. tumor cells don’t metastasize.the cancer stem cell metastasizes. the cancer stem cells are resistant to chemo and you can

do what you want with chemo and are not targeting the real villain, the real culprit. the thirdthing is that if you don’t address the cancer stem cells your cancer is coming back becausethose are the ones that can recreate a cancer. but nobody istargeting them. so i say to my patients if you are going to see youroncologist ask him or her what are you going to do to help me be healthy while you killmy tumor because that is all they can do. current oncologists are only killing tumorsand patients, but they are not killing cancer stem cells. the second question is what is your treatmentgoing to do to my cancer stem cells. and ty,

then they have towatch the eyes of the oncologist. because if they get kind of a blank stare like whatare you talking about then they are not up to speed on literature andyou have to run away. and if they give this oh damn i’m busted kindof sideways look then it is a really unfortunate situation because they know that their treatmentsaren’t helping. they are just using the patient as a renewableresource which is tragic. so cancer stem cells need to beaddressed and currently the only way to do that is anti-inflammatories.ty bollinger: and the anti inflammatories help to kill the cancer stem cells?dr. bradford weeks: there is literature that

says for example metformin selectively targetscancer stem cells. there are a lot of agents out there that selectivelytarget cancer stem cells. ty bollinger: and metformin is that a drug?dr. bradford weeks: it is a blood sugar lowering drug. but there are arthritis drugs – aspirin.too much aspirin will kill you, but you got to havesome anti-inflammatories. we use a product called soul which isground up black cumin seed, black raspberry seed and chardonnay grape seed. these arevery powerful anti-inflammatory seeds, which have been well studied. water.tremendous benefit just by having good quality water to flush your system. seeds have oilin them and oils help restore a membrane of

cells integrity. a lot ofbenefits to eating the seeds.


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