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stem cell cure

stem cell cure

you've reached placidway, the leading healthtourism company where you can compare the most affordabletreatments worldwide! subscribe to our youtube channel and get instant access to all of ourlatest health videos. umbilical cord stem cell therapywhen parents have children, they don't always think of what might happen in the future.illness and medical conditions that might occur as the child grows older are now beingthought of when parents decide to collect and store their newborn’s umbilical cordblood in a cord bank. during the 1970s, doctors discovered that the blood found within theumbilical cord could supply blood-forming stem cells, and they began to collect andstore them in stem cell banks. these special

stem cells are capable of turning into threetypes of mature blood cells that are found in all humans; red and white blood cells,and platelets. children who suffer from cancer or other blooddiseases must undergo chemotherapy or radiation to treat their condition, but these treatmentsalso harm healthy cells within the body, including the cells in the bone marrow, where red bloodcells are formed. for children who need a bone marrow transplant, which can be complicatedsince a matched donor must be willing to donate bone marrow. instead, or in combination toa bone marrow transplant, previously stored and healthy umbilical cord blood cells aretransplanted into the child, and go on to create new, healthy blood cells which in turnenhance the child’s blood production and

immune system.benefits of umbilical cord stem cell treatments the benefit of using umbilical cord stem cellsis vital when a child is faced with a medical illness or diseases. since the placenta andumbilical cord have traditional been discarded, finding these cells increase the chances ofsurvival when an individual is faced with cancers, blood diseases or other ailments.being frozen cryogenically also means they are available for use at any time, which isvery important when faced with cancer or other serious medical condition. millions of parentshave frozen and store their baby's umbilical cord blood these days, and their numbers aregrowing. stem cell research and development is entering an exciting era, and it is hopedthat someday soon, multiple treatments for

formerly incurable illnesses and disease processeswill be discovered, making storage of umbilical cord blood stem cells invaluable.


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