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stem cell culture

stem cell culture

three quick nat sounds: gloves, disinfectingbottles, sample shaken bill bessette reporting: at first glance,this looks like something out of one of those csi shows.nat sound: “these are the ones i was talking about – the ones that look like they’reabout to split.” bill: these lab coats, microscopes and petriedishes (nat of tapping sound) are all part of madison college’s high-tech, hands-onbiotechnology program. tyson klappauf/madison college biotechnologystudent: “madison college has one of the best biotech programs – i’d say in thecountry. we’re the only one that has the stem cell certificate program. brand new labsare what you’re looking at – so there

are a lot of opportunities.”nat sound: (bottle pulled out) bill: opportunities that lead to high-payingcareers. katie draheim/madison college biotechnologygrad: “i don’t think i could have gotten my current job without having gone throughthe post-bac intensive program, as well as the stem cell program – even though i hadmy undergraduate degree, it didn’t prepare me quite as well for the technical skillsthat i would need going into the workforce.” nat sound: “success! ok.” (closes refrigerator)bill: to learn more about madison college’s biotechnology program, visit call (608) 246-6322. for madison college minute, i’m bill bessette.


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