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stem cells from cord blood

stem cells from cord blood

from the moment you know you're going to be a parent... you dream of giving your child the best future possible. at cells for life, we believe one of the best ways to protect their future is by banking cord blood and cord tissue. why bank? canadian medical guidelines recognize the value of cord blood banking, whether it's through privatebanks for your families use... or public banks for medical research and for anyone in need. your baby's umbilical cord contains stem cells, which can develop into almost any other human cell...

providing your family with proventreatment possibilities. in fact, cord blood, which contains hematopoietic stem cells, is routinely used to replace and restore bone marrow after chemotherapy and treats over 80 diseases including leukemia and lymphoma. ongoing trials are looking at the potential to treat even more diseases, such as cerebral palsy andtraumatic brain injuries. cord tissue contains a different cell type known as mesenchymal stem cells... which inhibit inflammation and modify immune functions. mscs are being studied for the treatment of many disorders including

autoimmune diseases like type 1 diabetes and lupus, and joint and bone diseaseslike arthritis. while research is in early stages the possibilities are promising. so, how does cord banking with cells for life work? after your baby is born, your doctor or midwife will collect the cord blood from the umbilical cord... and collective piece of the cord. once your collection kit is prepared, give us a call... and we will pick-up your kit and deliver it to the cells for life laboratory...

in toronto general hospital. here, the stem cells are carefully processed, safely preserved... and securely stored, and are availableimmediately if needed. before use, cord blood stem cells do not need further processing. in contrast, cord tissue cells need to be grown. that's why cells for life is proud to be the only canadian cord bank to use patented, state-of-the-art technology to isolate and store these cells in their most natural state. as a part of this process we grow a portion of each sample and provide you with proof that the cells are healthy and functional.

with experience since 1997 and a perfect transplant record, you know you can trust cells for life with what could be the most important investment you will ever make. banking cord blood and tissue today, can give your family peace of mind for tomorrow. when you're ready, contact us!


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