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stem cell stroke

stem cell stroke

we have seen a lot of improvements not only in the body, but my mum used to sleep a lot now she wakes up six o'clock in the morning, before us she's like, "let's drink tea, let's have coffee..." she's very happy and she actually says it every morning like, "i'm happy, i can see that i'm improving... she's not lazy at all, she doesn't want to take a nap she just sleeps at night early, this also was a mess before.

i will say, her face was dropping so much, now her smile is symmetric it's straight, and her walking improved a lot she used to make a big circle when she walks now it's more straight. she can get up from bed without any help, and she used to push her leg to also get up now she doesn't push anything, she just gets up normally. she depends more on the right leg and her speech is much more clearer and everything has improved the hand function is still a bit, because i know for a fact this is the most difficult part but

it was stiff, now it's not stiff. she has some power, she can move the arm, and she's very happy. she actually doesn't want to leave, she wants to stay for long she doesn't want to go... "if they let me stay, i would stay forever." she's saying that, "i feel better, and i'm talking better, and i'm happy." she's saying that even my father when we show him pictures of what she's doing and the last picture we just sent today, he was like, "your mum's face look like before not after the stroke." and she's more independent now, like she doesn't really wait for us to do something for her

she wakes up, she makes her juice, she calls the nurses for water in order to make coffee, so, she's more independent now. she said, she'll never forget, this hospital and the services are amazing, the girls know what to do and she loves all the staff they really helped her a lot. and she's very happy. she never used to talk that long... she's saying within maybe three to six months she will be able to come again, she wants to come again. she said even, "i'm going to start saving for my own money in order to come,"

so yeah, she's really excited about it. she's improving, the leg, before she wasn't able to bend her knee, now she's bending her knee and walking like before and she's not lazy before she used to call me, "do this, do this," now she's doing her stuff alone. we're really happy with the hospital, it was very nice. and she used to find it really difficult to wear her clothes and take it off she never used to do it, now she can wear her trousers alone for the blouses, if it's tight, she needs us to help, but if it's loose she can try alone. at least she has the motivation to do it, before she was depressed.

she was like, "just do it for me." so now she wants to do and improve herself more. she went nto operation, to open the closed artery in the neck. and they put three stems in her neck to keep the artery open and that was in 2010 and then we had to go back to sudan. and she continued physiotherapy and some occupational therapy, that was it for the previous six years. i've been reading about any kind of solution that will improve her situation because she was depressed for so long.

so i was always searching on the internet and since 2011, 2012, i started reading about stem cells but it was just a new innovation, just a new thing so i kept reading about it and last february, i decided to do further research i went on youtube and i just wrote "stem cells" and the first thing that i got was global stem cells. i started talking with them, since february 2016 and i was always asking a lot of questions and making sure everything is safe, everything will really improve the situation, so i had a long conversation with them, and it was mainly research. the treatment was a full program of two sections. the first section was the medication and the stem cell injections and the second part was the therapies.

150 million stem cells, divided into five injections and before those injections, they gave her an injection prior to each of those injections. it's called growth factors. this helps the stem cells to grow, okay? so they usually give the growth factor injection before the actual stem cell injection, they gave her anti-allergy, in order to stop any reaction that could come up and then they injected the stem cells. she got every saturday a full package of combined vitamins for three, four hours, through iv as well, that's to boost her energy and to give her needed minerals and vitamins that she might be missing, and that was basically it for the medication part. for the therapy part it was 75 sessions of comprehensive treatment

it was: physiotherapy, occupational therapy, aqua, which is in the water, she'd never done that, she'd never been in a pool before. it was amazing, although she was scared in the first two sessions but it went really great and now she can go easily. they did also functional therapy, which i find really, really beneficial. we were surprised with this session, because, it's so intense, so quiet, and she really knows how to control her brain now and to move specific small parts of her body now, like her toes. that never happened before. they did also acupuncture, which is the chinese thing, and we first didn't know what it was about, but we came to know it really relaxes her and it really helps her mood and is very beneficial for her.

she's saying she feels that the hospital staff are also like family. she loves all the staff, they're really helpful, really good, and they really put an extra effort in everything. that's what we like, because, if for example a session is one hour, it can extend to one hour and a half and no one will look at their watch. they're very helpful, they're actually, not just doing their job, they're doing extra. and they're really focused to improve the patient, not just to finish a session. and sometimes they used to all gather for one session from other like other people from physiotherapy, they used to come for her occupational therapy and they used to see and talk and even in arabic they talk to her.

honestly, i've never gotten in contact with someone as passionate about helping others like faith. she's amazing, i know sometimes i really pressure people like i ask a lot of questions, i request a lot of documents, you can never imagine how many things...since march, i'm in contact with faith, and now we are in august and through whatsapp, through my personal email, through my work email through every possible way you can imagine. i've been talking with her 24/7. whenever a question pops into my mind, i just text her, she responds immediately. she's been very helpful, she's very educated, she knows what she's doing, she knows the benefits and the risks. i used to even send her sometimes things which are not in unique access like a random video from youtube, like, "look at these stem cells, they put them in the brain, do you put the same?

do you do the same? what's the process?" i used to ask many random questions and she used to give me the right answer. she never left me hesitated, and for me to take such a step, to put something like stem cells in my mum's body is a big step. i cannot just trust anything you know, especially in her condition. after my research and everything, faith was reassuring and she made me trust everything here. she made me feel secure and that's what made me actually go ahead and plan it and make things happen. she's really amazing. i would really give her the credit for us coming here. mahdi was really helpful for us here, in the hospital, every step we took, he is an amazing guy, very helpful. for my mum it was very helpful, since the first day we met him in the hospital, he was very helpful, he spoke in arabic, he made us feel more mum was like, "i want him with us every single day. "

because at least she can speak to him and tell him things even if we are not around, me and my sister. he's very helpful, not only inside of the hospital, sometimes outside of the hospital. if we need something from outside, he helps us to get it, he explains about the city, how long it will take us if we want to go somewhere, he suggests places. he translates documents for my mum, his arabic is perfect, he's like a native arabic speaker, he's not like someone who learned it, no, he is a really fluent arabic speaker. his accent is saudi accent, which is perfect for everyone, so i think he's really helpful. and he will help every patient who comes here, not speaking english, he will be perfect in english, arabic and even thai. the hospital, first of all what we liked about it is that it's super clean and the room is very clean. they gave us a very big comfy room that accomodated the three of us easily and we have a small kitchen

we have our own shower, microwave, everything was convenient for us and the hospital is very well maintained. it's spacious, really big, i can sit outside, i can have my coffee, in the morning, i can enjoy the view, it has an amazing view of the city and there's a shopping mall nearby the hospital, central plaza, and 7/11 is just down there so it's very easy and convenient. and about the facilities about the physical therapy, i will say it's very well facilitated.they have everything that patients need, occupational bowls, big gym bowls, they have a walking section and they have the stairs with small steps and big steps. and they have weights, it's very well maintained and very well facilitated. there's a coffee shop downstairs that we usually get our coffee from. the hospital is full of helpful stuff,

so it was very smooth for us, inside and outside the hospital and it's very convenient . taking the step towards having the stem cell treatment might be very confusing for some people and some people might not know about it because i have many friends in dubai and they don't know about stem cells. i had a couple of conversations before i came here and some people didn't seem to know about it. but i started to educate them about it. so it takes time, but it's really beneficial. this is the only thing in the market that can refresh or replace damaged cells in the brain. nothing can do that. it's a damaged cell, it's a damaged cell, that's what we know, and any damage to the brain, it will fix it, and i've seen many patients with als, with paralysis, with glaucoma, i've read about it, so it helps many situations, stroke is one of them and that's what we came for, but it helps many other conditions.


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