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stem cell treatment for copd

stem cell treatment for copd

canine stem cell trials 02/03/12 title: tobi (over visual of dog) title: natasha olbyprofessor of neurology “spinal cord injuries are, unfortunately,rather common and often devastating in people and in dogs. as a veterinarian, i’m reallyinterested in improving the outcome of dogs with spinal cord injuries and, of course,there’s an opportunity for our findings to translate to help human medicine as well. we are currently running a clinical trialwhere we are evaluating the effectiveness ofcellular transplants on improving hind limb

and bladder function in dogs that are chronicallyparalyzed. we know we are not going to rebuild the whole spinal cord; we’re not going torestore an animal to totally normal function. of course that’s an end point we would alllike, but that’s a very complex problem that many people have been working on fora long time. so right now we’re just trying to improve function in any little way thatwe can. fortunately, restoring functions to just a few axons can make quite a big difference…asurprisingly big difference…to the patient. we do an mri of the dog’s spine so thatwe can see the site of the injury. we want to identify where we want to transplant thecells. we harvest a bit of fat from under the skin on the back of the dog’s neck anda little bit of a sensory nerve that goes

to the skin in order to culture two differentcell types. then we use fluoroscopy, which is like real-time x ray to assist us in placinga fine needle through the skin down actually into the site of the spinal cord injury. wethen inject the cells slowly into that site through the needle and take the needle out…andthere’s the procedure done. tobi was the first dog that we recruited tothis trial. the trial is ongoing. it’s going to run for three years. we’re hoping torecruit a total of thirty dogs. we have twenty five more to recruit at this time. so far,progress has been good and we’re hopeful that we are going to see some improvementsin function that will be relevant not only to our patients as veterinarians, but alsoin human medicine.”

title: beverly tuckerowner “his legs are starting to move more. they’regetting a little stronger. i’m very glad i took part in this trial even if he doesn’twalk again, at least somewhere down the road it will help either another dog, or anotherhuman to be able to walk again.” close title: nc state


  1. I was diagnosed with COPD & emphysema in May of this year. I have been smoke free for 14 months. I quit because my first granddaughter was going to be born! I didn't want to smell like an ashtray when I held her! Since then I have been having trouble breathing, gained twenty pounds since quitting smoking I was exercising and not losing any weight, seeing a dietician and being told to quit eating practically! I was depressed and feeling like nothing is working! There's got to be a way to make me feel like my chest isn't so tight feeling like something is stuck in my chest. I lost touch with reality.I started on Health Herbal Clinic COPD Herbal formula treatment in August 2017, i read alot of positive reviews on their success rate treating COPD disease through their Herbal formula and i immediately started on the treatment. Just 7 weeks into the Herbal formula treatment I had great improvements with MY breething ,I am unbelievably back on my feet again, this is a breakthrough for all COPD Patients, visit Health Herbal Clinic official website www. healthherbalclinic. net or email info@ healthherbalclinic. net.This treatment is incredible!
