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stem cell products

stem cell products

blue medispa in sherman oaks paired with lifelinestem cell skin care to promote their beauty breakthrough and scientific approach to anti-agingon a cellular level. the director of education in stem cell science presented the uniqueline to us during a girls' day filled with pampering. lifeline skin care products feature a combinationof stem cell extracts, vitamins and anti-oxidants that work together to create healthy new cells. as far as the vitamins, we have our normalskin vitamins which would be a and b and e and c. in addition to that we have vitamind3 which is the sunshine vitamin. don't be alarmed by the stem cell part. lifelinehas a patent for ethically extracting growth

factors and peptides through non-fertilizedeggs and never embryos. after our day of education, snacking and yes,you guessed it, pampering, we hurried home to start using our new products. some of thestudies we saw said 73% of users had firmer, tighter skin and 67% had an improved appearanceof fine lines and wrinkles. after a month of using the lifeline day and night formulas,we noticed that yes, my skin was firmer and tighter and those pesky lines around my eyeswere starting to disappear, but also, my skin seems to be glowing and felt super hydrated. one of the most intriguing things we learnedabout the line was the history behind the product. stem cells skin creams from lifelinewere actually discovered when a russian scientist

was researching parkinson's disease whichhad claimed the life of her daughter. dr. elena revazova created the first non-embryonichuman stem cells that can reproduce and live almost indefinitely. with this discovery,stem cell cures now look promising for curing diseases like parkinson's, liver disease andblindness. for more information on lifeline, visit bluemedispa in sherman oaks. bringing you the best of california, i'm gabrielle dideriofor california life.


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