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stem cell therapy cerebral palsy

stem cell therapy cerebral palsy

we had many expectations but we were not hoping for a miracle or a definite solution at the same time we didn't expect to advance so much. seeing a result only 15 days

after the first injection was very emotional. the possibility of improving renzo’s quality of life was a real possibility. it was really moving for us. my name is enrique centuriã³n

and i am here with (my son) renzo. we are from argentina. renzo had cp since he was born. due to some complication during his birth he lacked oxygen (hypoxia) and that caused damage in his brain,

affecting his motor skills all over his body, but especially on his right side. his condition (cp) makes his daily life difficult hygiene, getting dressed

eating... his family helps him in these chores. he still lacks certain skills to become completely self-sufficient. what encouraged us to do the treatment was that renzo had plateaued in his progress since he was 6 years old.

there was a limit on how much he could do with rehabilitation and he only needed a little bit more in order to gain self-sufficiency. we saw this as a possibility to achieve that goal. just 15 days after the first injection we had a very emotional moment,

he was able to do that. it may not seem much but for renzo it means a lot. now he can hold a glass, drink water, write with his right hand, get dressed by himself, put on a t-shirt, grab objects with his right hand.

it was a big step forward for him. another thing we noticed was that he had more strength in his upper body, in his legs, his posture improved. he could walk much more. before the treatment he could only walk a few blocks and a few months later he could walk up to two or three kilometers. with this second treatment of stem cells,

we have noticed an improvement with the voluntary movements of his muscles. he used to compare himself with me, while he tried to do muscle contractions

and yesterday he was able to do it. and we were really happy. renzo called us to show us. the control of his right hand has improved. before he could barely

do this movement and now he can use the hand more easily. we would like to thank the people from beike for the treatment we received. they are very professional, the administration, the doctors, the nurses... well,

the experience here is really good. the organization is truly good and the professionalism of the therapist's and the staff is very high.

the food is very healthy. the whole thing is very integral, not only because of the stem cells but because of the physical care.

renzo’s skin is better, his body is better. in general we believe it is a very positive experience. we would recommend the stem cells, no doubt about it. based on our experience, it is a simple and

non-invasive procedure. this is based on what we saw and our experience and also based on what other patients with whom we

talked to also said. we feel very well, they have treated us very nicely and for that we are very thankful and happy for having the possibility that renzo could undergo this treatment.


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