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stem cell research cancer

stem cell research cancer

cancer, breast cancer, and a lot of other cancers are not just one disease, but a collection of diseases. there are more than 18 different types and subtypes of breast cancer. and what we're beginning to realize is that those different types actually are coming from what we call stem cells. [dr. allred] and they're very important to cancer formation because when you get damage in those cells, that is where you can have a real problem because cancer in essence is cells growing out of control. [dr. porter] the key is understanding what molecular mechanism is regulating those stem cells. and if we do understand how those stem cells are regulated,

can we go in with a therapeutic drug and actually turn those off. [dr. allred] much of chemo-prevention work is trying to understand how different things in the diet, or different things in the body, help maintain that order, maintain that normal cell communication, that normal activity within a cell, so that it can actually control its own growth. that's why understanding chemo-prevention and how to slow that process down is so very important for the future of cancer research. [dr. porter] so if you can combine the traditional therapy which can de-bulk the tumor, cause the tumor to shrink, and at the same time treat it with another drug that will target the cancer stem cells then you're not only taking the top of the dandelion, but you're also killing the roots. [dr. porter] and so we have a number of collaborators here at a&m, who are very unique to work with.

with the huffines institute, with tigm, and also by doing drug screening down at ibt, i think that really makes a&m a unique place to do breast cancer, and cancer research in general. my mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer six months ago and will be undergoing surgery in the next few weeks. i've been actively involved in it, but now it becomes personal in what i'm wanting to do. i don't know if we're ever going to find a cure, but i think if we can understand a way to manage the disease, i think that it's something that may actually not only extend life but make quality of life even better.


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