arthritis has been one of the most difficult conditions for physicians, naturopaths, healers everyone to treat because it's such a chronic condition degenerating every year and every year that it gets worse you get less mobile because it hurts well i'm here to tell you that you can do better we can regenerate this and
it's truly amazing what stem cells can do. stem cells are actual workers. when we say stem cells we're not talking about baby's umbilical cords or amniotic fluid like the other stem cells out there we're talking about your very own stem cells. you've got stem cells all throughout your body ... everywhere primarily the ones we're going after are
the ones in your fat cells and the one in your bone marrow believe it or not your fat cells have a tremendous amount of stem cells sitting inside them and around them. and so, what we want to do is we want to harvest those stem cells and we do that by just doing liposuction just like they would do for a cosmetic procedure when we're
doing liposuction that we're doing just a very small amount. it won't be noticeable cosmetic. we're getting just enough to get the stem cells and then we're getting out of dodge so once we harvest these fat cells we spin it down just like we spin down the blood to get prp we spin down the fat cells so that we can get as much of that
fat out of the way because we don't really need the fat we need the stem cells that surround the fat so we spin out as much fat and blood and fluid as we can because we want just the stem cells when harvesting the adipose stem cells or the fat stem cells once we have those stem cells then we mix it with the prp so the stem cells i like to
think are the worker bees the ones that show up and actually do stuff and can turn into new cartilage can turn into new bone can turn into new ligaments and joint capsules and tendons. they can turn into whatever they want to. they're stem cells and so then we take the prp which is the growth stimulus and we mix it with the adipose stem
cells and those two together get to work and regenerate the joint so you've got the workers that's the stem cells and then you've got the managers the guys that are going to tell the stem cells what to do that's the prp so it becomes really powerful when you mix these two together now we can also harvest bone marrow
bone marrow has tons of stem cells that's where all of your blood cells come from: your immune fighting white blood cells, your oxygen carrying a red blood cells, your platelets, which we will be harvesting in the prp they all come from the bone marrow. these stem cells even though they can turn into blood cells they can turn into so much
more. a stem cell turns into the tissue that it needs to be based on the surroundings and based on the chemicals in the area so if you think about it we all came from a single cell, right? a sperm and egg met and then they became a zygote and a zygote became a human being and so how did one cell turned into whole human being. well, it's all about the
chemical messengers that are going on so a stem cell is a very immature cell that can basically turn into anything there's a little asterisk that they can't technically turn into anything but for this purpose let's just say that these stem cells can turn into what we need them to turn into which is bone, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, all
that stuff so these stem cells can now turn into anything. when we put it inside of a joint there's all kinds of joint messengers around there's cartilage saying hey become a cartilage cell, there's bone saying hey become a bone cell, and so basically these stem cells show up as immature workers and the joint itself tells the cells what they need to
do that's what's so fascinating about this it's not a drug anyone created it's not something that someone had to come up with. we just take the body and put it where it needs to and then the body can figure out the rest it's amazing and so we've had tremendous success with just harvesting stem cells
and bringing in prp and injecting inside people's joints that are having trouble
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