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stem cell therapy in usa

stem cell therapy in usa

we'll just have the results this morningannouncements fantastic i'm ready to go dancing around this bigall there but i'm so thrilled and the doctors said to me they said youknow people of we've seen people get recovery it's taken a time he said haven't seenanything goes to quick you know the results that just happened like this and it's am truly amazing well yes i had a damaged ankles frombeing very athletic i had operations nothing seemed to help

one leg and i wasn't able to walkcomfortably for a long long time i've now walked without any pain withouteven knowing it i'm delighted with the treatment and iam i'm totally amazed how quickly it worked i can't speak more highly than just sayi'm i don't know i feel blessed but somebody there's not enough to me it previous to come in here i haven't hadany treatment because as i say we didn't know there was anything so i haven't hadany treatment and then i came here my husband hand has parkinson's and he

what is always he's he's medicallyminded his dental surgeon retired he's always trying to find out what's thebest thing about this and what what can i do for that and he found outthere's this this stem cell which was new to us and it happened to be ingermany and there wasn't that it had never been really been heard of what youdid here was all under the research and all you know we don't know this aboutthis and what did i was all that everybody was so we went to germany andthe place unfortunately closed so we couldn't we couldn't go back there this seemed to be more organized theyseem to understand and we aren't we

could understand them so that's whywe're both here is patience and that it's it's been quite an amazing thing


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