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stem cell therapy

stem cell therapy

in recent years,stem cell clinics are popping upeverywhere, claiming to treat ailments of all kinds. to see how regenexx is superiorto other stem cell solutions, it's helpful to do aside by side comparison. regenexx is 100% focused ontreating orthopedic conditions. all of the doctors inthe regenexx network are handpickedmusculoskeletal experts who receive continualtraining on regenexx

developed techniques. the anytown, usa clinictreats all kinds of ailments. orthopedic problems arejust another line item on their menu. the doctors are oftenminimally skilled in musculoskeletal injections,and have little expertise in stem cell treatments. regenexx has morescientific publications supporting its methods thanany other orthopedic stem cell

procedure. the only papers beingpublished at the anytown, usa clinic are invoices. the regenexx stem cellprotocol has been researched for more than a decade. it involves a series ofinjections that happen over the course of afew office visits, following an extensivereview of your condition. everything aboutthe procedure is

designed to produce thebest possible result. no corners are cut. at the anytown, usaclinic, the cut rate prices reflect the cut rate services,as well as the quality of the stem cell procedure. regenexx employs adedicated lab research team with thestate of a art stem cell laboratory to continuallytest and improve what we do. they frequently havetechnological breakthroughs

that widen the gap evenfurther between regenexx and other solutions. the anytown, usaclinic does no research to improve what they do. the regenexx procedureutilizes stem cells derived from bonemarrow, because research has shown this sort to besuperior for orthopedic use. the anytown, usa clinic throwsthis research out the window and uses stem cellsderived from fat,

because it's plentiful,easy to get to, and that's usually allthey know how to do. anytown, usa clinic uses asimple, automated centrifuge to prepare your cells. just push a button and out popyour stem cells, or at least what's left of them. regenexx techniciansprocess your cells in a lab at their office,isolating 10 to 20 times the number of stemcells that are extracted

using an automated centrifuge. and unlike anytown,usa clinic, regenexx uses advanced equipment thatcounts the cells in your sample in order to tailor the treatmentto your unique condition. research has shownblind injections to be highlyinaccurate, even when performed by the mostexperienced doctors. but at the anytown, usaclinic, close is good enough. regenexx physiciansachieve optimal results

by using sophisticatedultrasound or fluoroscopy guidance to placestem cells precisely into the targeted area. regenexx tracks patientoutcomes at regular intervals, using the world's largestand most sophisticated clinical registry in orthopedicstem cell treatments. our scientists crunch thesenumbers on a semiannual basis, and we openly andtransparently share the results with the public.

anytown, usa clinic is happy tolead the orthopedic stem cell research and patient outcomedata up to someone else. it's your health,so insure yourself the best possible outcome. if you're considering aregenerative treatment for an orthopedic condition,stack the odds in your favor by choosing regenexx, theworld's most advanced stem cell procedures.


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