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stem cell research statistics

stem cell research statistics

welcome to mysecretmathtutorin this example we are going to make a stem and leaf plot. now these are great plots, they give us anidea about the distribution of our data, but they can be a little tricky to make. the idea with making a stem and leaf plotis we are going to identify the leading values in all of these numbers. and that will become out stem. and then with the other values in the number,those will become the leaves. alright, so let's see how this works out byfirst creating the stems.

so i look at all the numbers in my leading values. it looks like i have a 2, 5, some 6's 7'sand 8's. so it looks like my data goes between the20's all the way up to the 80's. so i'm gong to use 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. and these are my stem. now i'm gong to put a big vertical line toseparate these out from the leaves. here is where i start to collect all of theother numbers. so if i have a 23, let's put the 3 there. when i get to this 3, well, i don't have any30's so i'm going to leave that one blank.

no 40's, leave the 40 blank. here is a 58, so let's go ahead and put an8 next to that 5. and now we get into the 60's and we have lotsof 60's. in fact i have two 62's, so i'm going to puta 2 and i'm going to put another 2. so the way i read this is, one 62, and hereis another 62. let's keep going. it looks like i also have a 63, a 65, anda 67. so 3, 5, and 7. all of these are my 60's.

alright, we are on a roll. so let's finish off these 70's. i got a 71, 71, and 72. so 1, 1, and 2. and looks like i have some 80's.80, 82, 82, 82 now with the 80, make sure you go ahead andput in a zero. you don't want to leave it blank, becausethe blank means that you don't have any of those particular data pointsbut we do have an 80, so put the zero in. and a couple of 82's.

oh, looks like another, two, three of them. so again, these numbers represent the leaves. so the way we read this is we recognize that thisour leading term, so 5. and there is our trailing term, so this wouldbe a 58. now that number would be a 65. and we can see that many of our numbers arein the say 60's and 70's. so again it gives us a great idea about thedistribution of our numbers. and there you have it! if you'd like to see some more videosplease visit


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