you've reached placidway, the leading healthtourism company, where you can compare the most affordabletreatments worldwide! subscribe to our youtube channel and get instant access to all of ourlatest health videos. stem cell treatment for spinal cord injuryspinal cord injuries can happen through accident, trauma, or disease. the spinal cord is thelink between the brain and the rest of the body, and body functions may be affected byconditions like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also known as lou gehrig's disease), musculardystrophy, parkinson's disease, stroke, and traumatic accidents.stem cell treatments and technology stem cell research has learned how to createnew neurons. an injured brain or spinal cord
may not be able to create new neurons by itself,but stem cell scientists have discovered neural stem cells in adult brains that can be stimulatedto multiply or divide into neural cells that have been lost through central nervous systemor spinal cord injury and disease processes. combination therapy is a combination of stemcell therapies that produce neural cells with myelin sheath protection, and gene therapy.to date, many of these technologies are still undergoing clinical trials in the united states.where to go for approved stem cell treatments abroad? stem cell therapies around the worldhave offered in enormous benefits to hundreds. a few of the most popular stem cell treatmentcenters and clinics abroad include: progencell-stem cell therapies - located intijuana, mexico, progencell offers stem cell
therapies for the improvement of conditionsand overall health for individuals diagnosed with heart, liver and lung disease, multiplesclerosis, arthritis or other joint diseases as well as vision problems and a number ofneurological diseases. beike biotechnology - located in shenzhen,china, beike biotechnology has been in the stem cell research and clinical applicationfield since the early 1990s. beike provides partner hospitals with stem cells, cord blood,umbilical cord stem cells and bone marrow derived stem cells for the treatment of neurologicalconditions including spinal cord injuries. emcell clinic - located in kiev, ukraine,emcell clinic is one of the world's largest fetal stem cell transplantation clinics, foundedin the early 1990s. the facility has provided
over 6,000 fetal stem cell transplantationfor nearly 20 years, treating conditions associated with neurological disorders, spinal cord andtraumatic brain injury.
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