glaucoma is an eye disorder that i was diagnosedwith about a year and a half ago where i started the pressures in my eyes were builtup so much that i lost the optic nerve in my left eye. they said once the nerve is gonethen the nerve is gone and you cannot bring it back. i got the news and i walked to mycar and i grabbed my passport and i drove to the airport. i sat in front of the airportfor an hour with my passport contemplating just leaving and not dealing with it and itwas just deteriorating and kept on going. so i made the conscious decision to stay andthere wasn’t really any options that the doctors had given me besides: use this medicationto keep everything at bay, other than that there was, that was it. there wasn’t anythingfurther. the option with stem cells and the
options to come to thailand came from a phonecall from my dad. when i saw kevin’s sight deteriorating,we were left with no option and i started to research it. i was looking for something thatwas going to get kevin’s eyesight better and there was only one option for me, whichwas stem cells and looking at beike obviously confirmed in my mind the professionalism rightfrom the outset. my first reaction was i was a bit wary because it was unknown to me like everything and as he gave me more knowledge i became a bit more confident in it and i just made the decision that this is what i needed todo because this is an option and before there was no option. before i came for this treatment my left eyehad no vision. i was pretty black in that
left eye and i couldn’t see. the right eyewas doing all the work and it was very restricted especially on depth perception, depth perceptionwas a really hard one for me. my peripherals were gone, they kind of went first on my rightand left. since i started treatment here, i started to notice probably after the secondstem cell treatment, i started to notice in occupational therapy that there was some lightthat started to come in. then, over the last few weeks i started to notice the big onewas the peripheral started to come and now like that peripheral is so clear that whenthey patch off my right eye and i am doing occupational therapy i can distinguish betweencolor and shadow and shapes and puzzles and things like that if i am looking from thatperipheral. the front is still blurry, but
the peripheral is come back, almost, it hascome back really clear. i see it clearly, i just have to concentrateand tilt my head and find that right angle, which wasn’t there before. this was blackbefore and now i can see, like i can see the squares, i can see this animal and stuff andi can see where to place the square. yeah. it kind of blew my mind the first day thati noticed that because it surprised me, i was like okay, i never, yeah, it came outof left field for me. woman: done?kevin: yeah woman: okay good. mhhm, very good.woman: perfect! kevin: yay!woman: yay!
i am in bangkok, thailand with my wife, janice,who is here for a stem cell treatment because of her glaucoma for her eyes. janice had eyeproblems right from basically when she was a young child. as she grew up the eyes gotprogressively worse and worse and worse and five years ago actually she was diagnosedwith glaucoma. i for sure did not know much about the disease at all and i always thoughtthat it was either treatable by drugs or something. then ugh three months ago, going to her specialist,the specialist basically informed her that her left eye is down to ten percent and thatit had dropped very quickly from what it was lets say six months prior and that her righteye is reasonably well, but that there is
no guarantee on how long it was going to lastand basically they do not have a treatment for it in canada. for a few days we were just kind of lost andsaid well okay i guess there is nothing we can do and then when we heard about jack andkevin we were pretty excited and said okay well now we have something. right from dayone as soon as we heard of it we were coming to thailand, we were going to find a way toget here and we did. we jumped on kevin’s coattail and followed him down here basically and i am glad that we did that and i am glad that comforting to have someone here withus. it just happened to work out that we wereboth able to come at the exact same time and i am really grateful for that because no onereally knows what you are going through unless
someone is going through it at the same time. soit has been really amazing to have her here and grateful to have someone you can talkto on that level. okay very good! one morning janice woke up and she coveredher right eye, which is her good eye and i am watching cnn as we do every morning andon the bottom of the tv there is the writing and she was reading it with her left eye andi was shocked. and then she took her eyes off and covered her bad eye and she couldnot read it as good with her good eye as she was with her bad eye and that was after herfirst two treatments i guess. so we were just in awe and happy and shocked and actuallya whole a bunch of mixed feelings went through
our mind, but we did not want to jump up anddown and scream and yell, yet it was something and it was already happening. even now indoing her ot she can tell how much better her bad eye is and now she has had her threetreatments, one in each eye so we are really optimistic that things are changing. i know that thenext three to six months are really the important part of allowing the stem cells to grow, soi definitely gained sight back in my peripheral so far and as long as i keep on doing thework and keep feeding and the stem cells keep growing i am really feeling confident thati am going to get more clarity coming through on the front of the eye. i can tell your haircolor now, before i couldn’t and now i can
tell where your eyes are and before it wasjust a silhouette. leaving here i feel very confident, i feelvery pleased and happy that we came, we were treated well and the staff has done an outstandingjob and beike has done an outstanding job for us and my wife feels the same way andkevin feels the same way. i believe you always have to have some hopeand once there is no more hope it is pretty depressing so we knew there was some chanceof a success. so we are really grateful and thankful that we came. my experience here has been absolutely amazing,i didn’t know too much if anything about stem cells before this was brought to my attentionas a possibility to regain my eyesight. i have nothing but amazing things to say aboutmy entire experience here, from the hospital
staff, to the care, to the doctors to theprofessionalism of the entire procedure has just been really amazing. for those that areseeking alternative methods for illnesses being, i said issues or being other issuesthat come up and cannot find any conclusions to in your home country and are coming on to my story and are intrigued and want to find out more information, i really suggestto just do your homework and don’t believe everything you know people are telling you.it is often people put a lot of fear in when it’s unknown and you know i had a lot ofpeople trying to put fear into me because it is unknown even if they do not know anythingabout it. so do your own research and make your own conclusions and just trust becauseat the end of the day an option is an option
and it is better than not having an option.
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