yami: perfect cell! cell: zzzzz- -oh, what... wha- who- wha-? yami: i've come to duel you! and end this madness! cell: good lord, with hair like thati bet you've never lost a game of "who's the protag". yami: i hail from ancient egypt. a long since buried pharaoh, i once ruled over the land, commanding magicians, dragons, the very ground beneath your feet!
cell: alright! i'm actually getting a little excited now! yami: i was unrivaled in my time. and now i stand here in modern day as king! so, perfect cell... do you accept my challenge? or do you bow to the whims of my majesty? cell: finally, someone who *gets it*! send forth your divine prominence, mighty pharaoh! and let us upheave the land with our battle!
yami: then it's time!... ... to d-d-d-d- d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel! wh-... where's your deck? cell: my d-d-d-d- d-d-d-d-deck? yami: yes, your deck! also the hologram projectors! what, are we gonna do this analog? because i mean i can, but we're gonna have to get a little closer.
cell: is this a prank? which one is it? ashton or jamie? oh, please, don't tell me it's bam margera... yami: i'm trying to duel you! in duel monsters... cell: duel... monsters? yami: it's a children's card game! ancient egyptians loved it! cell: f***, i'm down, how do we play?
yami: what do you mean, i can't use monster reborn!? cell: yup, right here, the rulebook you gave me: "monster reborn has been tournament illegal since 2004." i mean, it's been off and on since then, but it's... it's currently forbidden, so... yami: but this isn't a tournament...! cell: isn't it? is it not? yami: fine. then i play pot of greed!
cell: also banned! yami: what?! cell: 2005. yami: then brain control! cell: 2010! ♪ yami: slifer the sky-- cell: oh, come on, all god cards are banned. yami: f*** you! cell: also it's *eight* thousand life points, not four.
no idea where you got that from. yami: you're full of shit! i'm taking my millennium puzzle and teenage boy's body and going home! cell: also it's cheating to have someone else help you during a game. byeee! ♪ that's a deep voice for a 14-year-old, my god. hello, everyone, innagadadavida again... hit that like button... comment on how awesome yu-gi-oh! abridged is, and check out a brand new episode of my experimental podcast:
"kind soundwaves". hot off the plate! featuring my interview with littlekuriboh and an in-depth discussion about writing! good stuff.
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