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double stemcell

you've reached placidway, the leading healthtourism company! subscribe to our youtube channel and get instant access to all of ourlatest health videos. stem cell therapy for kidney failure kidney failure manifests itself when the kidneyscannot filter water products from the blood. this in turn may lead to swelling of the body,increased levels of acid, potassium and phosphate, and decreased levels of calcium. kidney failureis associated with bone and cardiovascular diseases. the two main forms of kidney failureare acute kidney injury, which is often reversible with adequate treatment, and chronic kidneydisease, which is often not reversible. stem cell therapy for kidney diseasesdifferent types of cells from the bone marrow

have been tested in animals and in clinicalstudies for potential use in kidney disease. out of all the cells investigated, mesenchymalstem cells (mscs) have shown the most promising results till now. studies suggest that mscsmay be able to enhance the kidney’s ability to repair itself.mscs from the bone marrow can produce specialized bone, fat and cartilage cells. researchersinvestigating the therapeutic mscs effects within the kidney have suggested that thesecells may release proteins that can stimulate kidneycell growth, inhibit cell death and that could encourage the kidney’s own stem cells torepair the damage. further research is needed toestablish whether these ideas are correct

and how they could lead to a treatment forpatients. who is a good candidate for stem cell therapyfor kidney failure? although stem cell therapy promises to bea solution for many people suffering from variouskidney problems, that doesn’t mean that anybody can benefit from it. there are a seriesof conditions that qualify a patient for beingeligible for stem cell therapy: firstly the doctor must assess the conditionof the patient based on his medical history andprior treatments. secondly the patient must be able to withstand traveling to the countrywhere the therapy

will be administered. the patient will alsoneed to be able to stay in the country where the treatment isadministered for the duration of the treatment. when using fat stem cells, the patient willhave to be able to support a minor liposuction procedure.some of the benefits may include faster healing time, reduction of the transplant rejectionrate, the elimination of the need for cadaveric donors and many others. this kind of therapycould be employed in detecting and healing diseases from fetal stages and also can preventthe apparition of congenital diseases from anearly age. stem cell therapy is truly a ground breakingsuccess for medicine, if done right, but careful

testing is needed.


  1. Stem cell and Regenerative medicine Las Vegas provides the best treatments in Las Vegas. Stem cell therapies are completely safe and effective and provides the positive results
