so... are stem cells really safe? the answernext... safety of autologous adipose tissue-derivedstem cells with platelet-rich plasma into human articular jointsa korean study recently published in the bmc musculoskelet disorders journal highlightedthe safety of stem cells.. between 2009 and 2010, 91 patients were treatedwith autologous adscs with platelet-rich plasma (prp) for various orthopedic conditions. stemcells were injected with prp into various joints. all patients were followed for symptomimprovement with visual analog score (vas) at one month and three months. approximatelyone third of the patients were followed up with third month magnetic resonance imaging(mri) of the injected sites. all patients
were followed up by telephone questionnairesevery six months for up to 30 months. the follow-up time for patients who were treatedin 2009 and early 2010 was close to three years. the relative mean vas of patients atthe end of one month follow-up was 6.55 â± 0.32, and at the end of three months follow-up was4.43 â± 0.41. post-procedure mris performed on one third of the patients at three monthsfailed to demonstrate any tumor formation at the implant sites. further, no tumor formationwas reported in telephone long-term follow-ups. in conclusion, using both mri tracking andtelephone follow ups in 100 joints in 91 patients treated, no cancer was detected at any stemcell implantation sites.
Yes, you are absolutely right. FDA also approves Stem Cell Therapy and it is surgery free treatment.