you've reached placidway, the leading healthtourism company! subscribe to our youtube channel and get instant access to all of ourlatest health videos. stem cell treatment for epilepsyin epilepsy, the brain is permanently in a state which tends to produce convulsions.so, epilepsy is characterized by recurrent seizures. generally,an epileptic seizure is an abnormal function of the central nervous system sudden and transientappearance. it usually lasts no more than twominutes. epileptic seizures can occur both in the form of spasms as involuntary movementsor states of dementia. embryonic stem cells havethe unique capacity to develop into any type
of cell in the human body;blood, bone, brain tissue, liver tissue, skin tissue, etc.. embryonic stem cell researchcan help regenerate and restore damaged brain tissue,making it an extremely viable therapy for individualsdiagnosed with various forms of the epilepsy. scientists and researchers have studied anddetermined that neuron precursor cells taken fromembryonic stem cells can be transplanted or implanted into brain tissue and generate newbrain tissues in that area. over 80 nations haveconducted studies and experiments in this field, whichhas led to positive results expressing hope
for extremely effective therapies for improvingbrain function not only with individuals diagnosedwith epilepsy, but those diagnosed with parkinson's and alzheimer's disease as well.scientistsand researchers are focusing on neurogenesis, or the production and proliferation ofnew and healthy neural cells in the brain and central nervous system to help alleviatesymptoms of epilepsy in millions of individuals aroundthe world. current studies have determined thattherapies and studies underway may have extreme beneficial effects on epileptic syndromes,and studies will certainly continue into the futurein regard to learning and understanding regeneration
or neurogenesis of brain cells and tissuesthat may help alleviate, reduce, and even someday cure epilepsy syndromes found in mostchildren and adults. if you want to know more, please contact us!
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