in the next video i'll report on another studyshowing the effectiveness of stem cells in the treatment of osteoarthritis...new study shows positive results with bone marrow concentrate (bmc) injection for kneeosteoarthritis bone marrow concentrate (bmc) has evolvedin recent years as a one of the most promising therapies for osteoarthritis (oa). the anti-inflammatoryand regenerative properties of bmc have been shown in early studies to relieve pain andstiffness, as well as improve joint function, in patients suffering from degenerative arthritis. a recent study, reported by julie patchis,published in the european journal of surgery and traumatology evaluated 41 patients (75knees) with a mean age of 60.7 years old,
diagnosed with degenerative arthritis, whounderwent intra articular injection of bmc with adipose tissue. each patient was assigneda radiologic arthritis score (i-iv) via the kellgren-lawrence grading scale, and pre/postoperative visual analogue score (vas) and functional scores were used for evaluationat 3, 6, and 12 months. the study revealed a decrease in the meanvas from 7.0 preoperatively to 4.1, 3.5, and 3.3 at the 3, 6, and 12 months follow up appointments.functional improvements were also illustrated via the international knee documentation committeescore, sf-36 score, knee and osteoarthitis outcome score, and the lysholm knee questionnaire. the results contribute to the growing researchtrends supporting the treatment of oa with
intra articular injections of bmc. however,less impressive improvements were seen in grade iv arthritis patients and this suggestsbmc to be more effective in early to moderate phases of degenerative arthritis. although,further studies are needed to more thoroughly evaluate the efficacy of bmc therapy, thisstudy adds further support to the regenerative potential of bone marrow for degenerativejoint diseases such as arthritis.
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