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harvard stem cell institute

harvard stem cell institute

the heart has very limited capacity for regenerationafter injury and this is an increase cause of uh human morbidity and mortality world wide there is a compelling un-clinical need toidentify the opposite cell type to drive robust cardiac muscle regeneration because this uh very recent ah discovery actuallyuh is the latest in a chain of scientific discoveries and for the first it uh reports ofthe identification

of the cell that could be viewed as perhapsan optimal cell type to promote cardiac muscle uh regeneration because the cells that have been isolatedhave come from embryonic stem cells and than had been used to form an intact stripfunctioning ventricular muscle tissue while you may start out with a very smallnumber of cells they have the capability

to proliferate and then maintain their ability to make muscle and it's that property that makes a very unique we decided to ask the question how is the heart built in the first placeif you want to rebuild a broken heart then go back and look at nature and findout how it's done normally so we went back to their embryo of mouse andwe essentially color coded the heart and were able to pick up very specific populations of hearts cellswhich have these unique qualities of being able to replicate

and at the same time being completely committedto the muscles heath aid the cells turn out to have it built in clocksin them meaning when we isolate them they are capableof of renewing for a while but then after a certain period of time they will stop reviewing and they would made sure into functioning my cartel tissue these are stem cells that are actually differentiating the test tube and from them working to generate the hearts tissue and using these cells and the tissue engineeringtechnology that was developed by a kit parker

and adam feinberg over in the school engineering we were able to generate two-dimensional mial cardial tissueout of that now to get to full cardiac regeneration weneed to get to the three dimensions but already we've taken this huge step forward with respectto regenerating the heart and we've develop a platform that will allow usto study how normal heart functions


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