placidway, your global medical tourism.where can i find the est clinics for spinal muscular atrophy therapy trough stem cellin asia? what is spinal muscular atrophy?the spinal muscular atrophy is a term applied to a number of different diseases, all havingin common a genetic cause and is manifested by a body weakness due to the destructionof motor neurones - nerve cells in the spinal cord and in the brain. normally, these motorneurones pass on signals from the brain to the muscle cells. when these neurones don'tfunction anymore, the sensory nerves (that allow us to perceive sensations suchas touch, temperature, pain etc.) are not affected.the disease is called this way because the
muscles atrophy due to problem with the nervecells in the spinal cord. what are the signs and syptoms?neurologocal examination show specific signs associated with motor neuron degenerationof the upper and lower spinal horns. signs of motor neurones damage in the upper horns:spasticity, twitch reflex and babinski reflex. signs of damage from the horns lower motorneurones: weakeness and muscle atrophy. what is the cure for sma?while there is no known traditional cure for sma, stem cell therapies have shown positiveresults in treating several syptoms assosiated withthe disease. the stem cell replacement therapies that involve the implantation of healthy andfunctional
motor neurones into patients suffering fromthe condition are showing good results. various renowened stem cell clinics in asiahave begun treating sma symptoms using embyonic stem cell transplants and implantation therapies.how are spinal muscular atrophy therapy clinics in asia?focus on each medical case, carry out all the medical work according to the highestinternational standards, understand each patient and his/her specificrequirements and needs, provide the patients with excellent medical services and the latestfacilities, provide their patients with all the relevant, detailed information regardingthe procedure. what spinal muscular atrophy therapy clinicsyou can visit in asia?
aivee institute, metro manila, philippines;relife interantional medical center, bejing, china.placidway - if you want to know more, contact us.
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