what do you do with the embryos that you'renot going to use well we have this problem already just through what's now old-fashioned ivfbecause when couples go through i_v_f_ they produce large numbers of embryos generally they only implant or transfer several of themso in the united states alone we believe there's about four hundred thousand excess embryos embryos in storage there's not much you can do with these embryosyou can either keep them in
storage indefinitely which is what many people are choosing todo you can destroy them which is somethingwhich most people don't want to do you can transfer them but most people don't want to have necessarily that many children or you can use them for research and thisis where when we talk about human embryonic stem cells this is this is where thestem cells would be coming from from these extra
embryos so there is a a massive supply and there's certainly demand but there is now we actually have government regulationthis is not allowedthat's right0:00:56.030,0:00:58.409is it allowed internationally yes yes so the united states and there'sa huge paradox here whereas with regards to fertility the united states is something ofa wild west pretty much anything goes until that's right but with regards to stem cell research theunited states is one of the most restrictive countries in the world
and basically stem cell researchis by no means illegal but the scientists who wanted to embryonic stem cell research can'tuse federal funds this excerpt is brought to you by the massachusettsschool of law leader offered for me legal education leader
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