you've reached placidway, the leading healthtourism company! subscribe to our youtube channel and get instant access to all of ourlatest health videos. stem cell treatment for arterial hypertensionhypertension is a potentially devastating medical condition that increases blood pressure.known as a silent disease, hypertension generally doesn't involve symptoms that are easily recognizedby most individuals until damage to blood vessels or cardiac health is realized. inmost cases, hypertension, also called arterial hypertension, is treated with a variety ofdrugs that may involve the use of diuretics, beta blockers, ace inhibitors, and calciumchannel blockers. treating hypertension with stem cellembryonic stem cell treatments for hypertension
have shown efficacy in reducing blood pressure,frequency of headaches, and a stabilization of blood pressure, leading to enhanced mentalcapacity and abilities, rejuvenation, and sexual performance and potency in men andwomen. embryonic stem cells have the ability to differentiate, or become any type of cellin the human body, offering unique opportunities to replace damaged cells and tissues in thehuman body. a variety of facilities throughout europe,the netherlands, and ukraine have offered and performed treatments, clinical trialsand studies regarding the efficacy of stem cell therapies to improve heart function.studies performed in the netherlands have shown that allogenic stem cell therapies improvedfunction of the right ventricular portion
of the heart as well as lung capacity in smallanimals with pulmonary hypertension.
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