so far in our time spent here, i had two spotson my back and both sides of my spine and i honestly say over the last 2 or 3 days,those spots are now gone. i feel good in the back and another thingwas my feet the bottom of my feet, i actually feel pretty good now. “other than that those are the things wenoticed right away. plus my arm, i’m a little tired right now. i haven’t been done that in 7-8 months. since december 2015. so it’s coming, slow process but it’scoming.
and that’s only a week.†really none. in the united states, there is no treatmentfor als. being just diagnosed in april and being toldthat there’s really nothing that can be done in the united states i think what impressedme the first at the world medical center, was that they stated out by cleaning his bodyby putting vitamins into it and trying to make it as healthy as possible before theystarted injecting him with stem cells. and the growth factors i think that to mein my mind was ok well that makes sense that should be done.
and then they proceeded with stem cell injectionsand the growth factors themselves along with vitamins antibiotics and everything else tohelp support the stem cell rejuvenation. occupational therapy has gone really well,i hope to find someone at home that can do what they do here with his him. physical therapy he’s only been to once,he’s been not feeling so great the past two days really worn out and kind of tiredbut they’ve also been doing in physical therapy, ultrasound on his bad arm and shoulderand that helps as well. with him almost as much as the ot does. right now he can walk, his legs are stillstrong he other arm is still strong.
physical therapy right now really helps toconcentrate on his one arm. i emailed the representative hanna and withingosh overnight because of the 12 hour difference i believe she got back to us right away. which made us very excited that a responsehalfway across the world was right away. we emailed back and forth several times andin fact it was midnight sometimes when she was talking to me at noon in the united states. she did a very you know answered all our questionsshe told us that if we wanted to speak with the doctor that would be possible, and shejust made us feel very at ease and excited because there might be something we can do.
hanna and yas she is an amazing girl too. once we. hanna helped us get through the door and setus up that way. as far as flight she was more than willingto help us get our flights you know our made us feel comfortable in that they’ll pickus up from the airport and take us back. after she was done with her part, yas tookover and she again any questions that we needed she was also very good about putting out mindsto ease and thinking alright they’re going to take care of us we’ll be alright. in the united states unfortunately we weregiven no option.
so we had to become our own advocates forhis health care and i just hit the computer hard just looking for something that couldhelp these people. and here we are in bangkok thailand. the medical team everyone is top notch. i was impressed at how much they can communicatewith us. again, halfway across the world we didn’tknow how the communication was going to be but for the most part they speak very goodenglish. and communication really has been no problemwith any of them i’m amazed at how well they speak english the physical therapistthe occupational therapists all of them very
easy to communicate with and very knowledgeableand also not to drag on but this medical team actually seems like they wanted to help usand want to help him get better and actually enjoy their jobs and what they’re doingwhich is a huge plus too. he would like to take every girl with him,home. they are just so good and exciting and supportive. they’re fun girls you can communicate withthem and guys i should say because we have male therapists too. i think already what he has gotten throughthe acupuncture and the brain stimulation it’s crazy how this arm hasn’t moved in7 months and now he can literally flip it
over and a lot of that comes from the acupunctureand the brain stimulation and everything else he’s been getting, but perfect it’s justbeen a pleasure. well i’ve never been to a hospital that’scleaner than this. state of the art. they come in to our room at least 2-3 timesa day top empty the garbage or sweet the floor or clean the bathroom it’s unbelievablei think we can have dinner on this floor it’s so clean. we have not been to the restaurant downstairsbut i order off the restaurant menu my meals and he eats the hospital food.
both have been you know i enjoy the food afarmer from illinois it took him a little time to get used to but he’s doing it. top rate cleanliness it’s more like a hotelthan a hospital. rooms are big we have our own kitchenettei’m comfortable in my pullout bed that i sleep on, large bathroom absolutely no complaints. we are very glad we took the step and justtook a chance. again with als there’s not a lot that canbe done but we truly thinking that the stem cell therapy is going to help him from whatwe’ve seen so far and i would just like to tell anybody with this or cancers or palsiesor mds or anything that they should take a
chance on alternative medicine instead ofpopping pills and trying to be healed with medication that they should try stem cellrejuvenation. we’re very hopeful that it’s going togive him a longer and more plentiful life and we’re so glad we took this journey andwe will if need be come back again and do it again in the future, without a doubt.
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