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stem cell arthritis

stem cell arthritis

we were the inventorsof orthopedic stem cells in the united states. so when you go onlineand see some doctor who is trying to dothis, that person learned fromsomeone, who learned from someone, who learned fromsomeone, who learned from us. so this is what everyone elsehas that doesn't do regenexx. they've got a simple littlebedside machine like this. you take your bone marrow,your blood, you put it in here.

all the doctor knowsis how to do that, shut the lid, turnon the on button. that's it. now, obviously thisis one size fits all. it's not real complex. the doctor doesn'treally know how it works. and the doctor can'tcustomize your sample to what he needs to treat you. so this is the typeof processing lab

that every regenexxprovider has. the goal is it's a flexibleplatform through which they can do lots of different thingswith regenerative medicine. unlike the little bedsidecentrifuge which is one size fits all, and onlydoes one little thing. here is where weactually count cells. now, again, when youhave that simple one size fits all centrifuge you reallydon't know how many cells you're injecting.

now that could be a hugeissue if you're doing, let's say, both knees. or the doctor may only haveenough cells for one knee, but he doesn't know that. and he splits thoseup in two knees, so the patient getsa suboptimal result. not at regenexx where weactually count the cells and we know the dose. your regenexx doctor mayhave different things

that he needs to injectin different areas. platelet rich-plasma at oneconcentration versus another to put in differentjoints or in tendons. a platelet lysate that isjust growth factors that might be to go around nervesor in the epidural space. this is what makesregenexx different. it's not a one size fits all,but a customized solution to what you need. at regenexx we're 100% focusedon orthopedic conditions.

why? because we don't want tobe a jack of all trades and master at none. our laser like focusallows us to do research in this area toimprove what we do and stack the deckin your favor. several years ago weasked the question, could we get a lotmore stem cells than anyone else has everdreamed of getting out

of the same bone marrow sample? meaning, if we take that bonemarrow sample and we throw it in an automatedbedside centrifuge that every otherdoctor has we'll get a certain number ofstem cells out if it. we put our scientific teamto work on that issue, and the answer is yes, we canget an awful lot more stem cells out of that same samplethan anyone else on earth can get.

in fact, that's sucha unique process that we filed a patenton that process. because it allows us to pickout a second population of stem cells that live inyour bone marrow that everyone else rightnow just throws away. that procedure allows us toget 10 to 20 times the number of stem cells per unit volumeout of your bone marrow. when compared to smallerautomated bedside centrifuges that are used by most doctors.

if the processing lab wasthe heart of the operation this is really the brainsof the operation here. this is the research lab. this is where we take thepatented regenexx procedures and we expand on them. we make them better. we make sure thatthere is always a better version out therethat you have access to. regenexx is a patentedthree part process.

first it's till the soil,then plant the seeds, then fertilize. on till the soil we're tryingto prepare the joint or the area for your stem cells. when we plant theseeds obviously we're placing thestem cells precisely under guidance into that area. and then fertilize, we'rejust adding in nutrients to make sure that your stemcells can do well in the body.

this is where we can measureup to 25 growth factors and cytokines in the synovialfluid of someone's knee. basically trying to look atthe soil inside that knee for our stem cell seeds. the reason? because just likea good farmer we want to make sure thatthe environment in there, the fertilizer, forinstance, is correct. now, no one else does that.

they just take their stem cellseeds and throw them in there. they don't know if the soilis good, bad, or indifferent. but not at regenexx. our focus here is to gobeyond where everyone else is. no one else is spending thetime to do anything like this, and that's what makesus so different. unlike other clinicsthat are just learning how to do this, thatmight have taken a weekend course, we wrote thebook on all this.

we've published moreresearch in this area, in peer reviewedmedical journals, than any other place on earth. interventionalorthopedics foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit. one of the things theydo is to collect data on regenexx patients so that wecan know how the patients are doing long term. we're tracking thousands ofstem cell treated patients

right now. we're also looking at thingslike possible side effects or complications all donethrough this organization. in addition to state ofthe art lab facilities we also have state of the artinjection facilities here. we offer both highlevel ultrasound imaging to guide the needle tovery specific spots, and we also offer high levelfluoroscopy, or real time x-ray, to make surewe're in other spots that

require that technology. often what you'll seein other clinics that are trying toreplicate what we've been doing for the last decadeor more is a blind injection. what that means is that thedoctor has no idea where the needle is going. he has some idea that it mightbe in the right ballpark, but that's a little bitlike using gps to get you into the rightneighborhood but forgetting

that the gps needs to take youto the right street number. in the same way it's criticalthat the doctor use guidance and be experienced in doingthat to make sure these cells go to the exact right spot. now that's not asimple thing that can be learned in a weekend. it's a complex thingthat physicians spend a year or twomastering before they get reasonably good at it.

again, all of that is partof the orthopedics 2.0. moving patients frominvasive surgeries to minimally invasiveneedle based procedures done with precise guidance.


  1. The article is so helpful, since there are lots of information on stem cells arthritis treatment which I have been looking for the past few weeks for my father. Hope he will get well soon after the treatment.
