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skin stem cells

skin stem cells

fox 19 beauty expert paula provenzano is justback from the international spa conference with some of the most innovative productsshe found. this is going to be fun. now, the next one is a little bit cheaper and it’sa cream. well, by cheaper, $190 is still expensivefor a cream, but the technology here again, cutting edge.stem cell technology. it has an extract from living, but non-fertilizedstem cells. they’re called parthenogenetic stem cells, and what that extract is, is apeptide that’s combined with antioxidants and other ingredients that help boost theskin’s elastin, collagen, and growth factors. this is also backed up by studies?yes, absolutely.

okay.they did a study of 50-plus year old women and their 20-something daughters, they usedthe 20-something daughters as the control, the 50 year old women had levels of collagenone, two, and fibroblasts that were higher than the daughters.after they used the cream? yes.for how long? i believe that was six weeks, but i’d haveto double check that, and there’s some more information.there are creams that cost more than that so…you know what, i’ve only been using it for five days and already i see a density to myskin that reminds me of what it looked like

20 years ago, so i’ve got to say i’m lovingthis. yeah, you’re going to have to get me someof that, paula. it’s awesome.


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