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peripheral blood stem cell

peripheral blood stem cell

[stemcell technologies] [technical guide] >>the following video is a technical guide that demonstrates how to isolate mononuclear cells from whole blood by centrifugation through a density gradient medium such as ficoll-paque plus. to begin, ensure all reagents are at room temperature. dilute the blood sample at a 1:1 volume ratio with the appropriate medium. add a volume of density gradient medium to a fresh tube

according to the specifications for that density gradient medium. gently layer the diluted blood on top of the density gradient medium. take care not to mix the two layers. centrifuge for 30 minutes at 400 g with the brake off. carefully harvest the cells by inserting the pipette directly through the upper plasma layer to the mononuclear cells at the interface. alternatively, you can first remove the upper layer and then collect the cells. finally, wash the harvested cells twice in the appropriate buffer.

the cells are now ready for easysepâ„¢ cell separations or other downstream applications. for more information on blood sample processing and cell isolation, please visit [stemcell technologies - scientists helping scientists -]


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