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stem cells

stem cells

ok, so you're reading the newspaper, or you're watching the news and they're talking about some new medical technology, some breakthrough treating congestive heart failure or regrowing muscle tissue in wounded soldiers. i bet you that that story is going to mention that this new type of therapy uses stem cells. and i bet you, like most people, are going to listen along and just go [nods agreeably] without actually knowing what stem cells are, because who has time to know what stem cells are?!? today, we are making time. you have lots of different types of cells in your body. you've got muscle cells, and skin cells, and liver cells, and brain cells,

most of these cells have to be replaced every once in a while. your tastebuds, for instance, are replaced every 10 days or so, skin cells are replaced every couple of weeks, and liver cells turn over every 300-500 days. the cells that are doing the replacing of the old cells, and the repairing of the damaged tissue are adult stem cells, also called somatic stem cells. the different sort of cells, skin cells, liver cells, retina cells,muscle cells and intestine cells, they all have very specific jobs and they're built in very specific ways to do those jobs. different shapes, sizes, contents, mean you can't just stick a muscle cell into adamaged liver an expect it to start breaking down your alcohol for you. somatic stem cells, on the other handhaven't decided what the heck they're gonna be. they're undifferentiated. they haven'tspecialized yet.

like a college freshman, or, let's face it, a recent collegegraduate. they have no idea what they're going to do with their lives. but just like there are different types of college graduates, there are different types of adultstem cells. some can become more different kinds of things thanothers. pluripotent adult stem cells can become many different types of cells all overthe body, however, they're really hard to track down because there are so few ofthem in each organ or tissue. there also multipotent adult stem cells which are more common in the body, but restricted in the kind of cell they can become it is kinda like the difference between graduating from trade school where you have been trained to do a few different possible jobs and graduating with a degree in philosophy or something

equally unprepared for all jobs so yeah , stick a pluripotent cell in a damaged liver and it just happily becomes a liver cell pretty cool but there are some even better types of stem cells to be had embryonic stem cells which are also pluripotent these are the cells inside a human embryo when it is a blastocyst basically just a tiny nugget of human cells four or five days old

which is destroyed in the process of removing the stem cells from inside it these embryonic cells are obtained from in vitro fertilization clinics that fertilize eggs outside of the mother's body for couples who are having trouble conceiving naturally, these clinics have some left over fertilized eggs so with the donor's permission they are given to scientists doing stem cell research now the main advantage of the embryonic stem cells is that while adult stem cells can be grown in culture for time meaning they can be made to multiply over and over in a nutrient solution they can't grow as long or as fast as the embryonic stem cells

which can be maintained indefinitely into the right conditions after just six months in culture , a single wad of 30 embryonic stem cells will have yielded millions of stem cells which can go on to develop pretty much into any type of cell in the body also adult stem cells if used in some sorts of transplant therapies are more likely to be rejected than embryonic stem cells stem cell research is currently pretty hopin embryonic stem cells are being used by researchers all over the world to figure out how to repair or replace damaged cells and organs and create new drugs but regulations have taken their toll there are only about thirty five stem cell lines or families of identical pluripotent stem cells that are available for federally funded research in america

whereas europe has a couple thousand so there , now you never have to " nod along " your way through another news report about stem cells again thanks for watching this episode of scishow if you have any questions , comments or suggestions you can find us on facebook and twitter or of course down in the comments below and if you wanna keep getting smarter with us here in scishow you can go to and subscribe transcription by dr.a

stem cells umbilical cord

stem cells umbilical cord

meet this typical american family. they’re young, beautiful, and—pregnant! congratulations! a new baby brings exciting new possibilities and a host of decisions. one of the most important decisions is whether to bank a baby's umbilical cord blood and tissue. we've heard about cord blood banking, but we don't really know why we need to cryo-preserve our baby's cord blood. did you store your children’s cord blood?

of course, i did. for all my children. if you have the chance to safeguard your baby stem cells, you definitely should. let me explain. umbilical cord blood and tissue contain stem cells the building blocks of all other tissues in our body. cord blood stem cells are used to treat nearly 80 diseases including cerebral palsy, leukemia, autoimmune diseases, and genetic disorders. wow! indeed, and actually as we grow older

many of these conditions become more common, so the need for the stem cells may increase over time. in fact, over 30,000 cord blood stem cell transplants have been performed. new therapies are emerging practically every day. safeguarding your newborn stem cells is the healthiest investment you can make for your baby and your family. our family? yes, cord blood can be used to treat your baby, siblings or other close family members depending on the disease.

the chance of a transplant matching is much greater from a relative than from an unrelated donor, and transplant patients recover better when the stem cells’ donor is related. you should also take advantage of the opportunity to store the stem cells that are found in the umbilical cord tissue. these stem cells are a different type and hold great promise. they're being studied for future therapies for diseases that are more common as we grow older such as heart attacks, stroke, parkinson's, diabetes, and other diseases.

that's amazing, but are there any risks in the process? collecting cord blood and tissue after your baby is delivered only takes a few minutes and poses absolutely no risks to the mother or baby, but you only get one opportunity to cryo-preserve these valuable cells. how much does it cost? collecting and storing cord blood in a private stem cell bank costs about two thousand dollars, plus a small annual storage fee. the bank safeguards it in cryogenic freezers for your family's exclusive use.

financing plans make it very affordable. is there another option? if you choose not to store your baby stem cells for your own family, you may be able to donate them to a public backing for use by others that have medical emergencies. every year, there are thousands of patients searching for a matching donor in a public bank, and your baby stem cells could be the match to save a life; however, once you donate them to a public bank, they may not be available for your

child or family in the future. in that case, you would have to hope that another match could be found in time. as of 2013, the cost of purchasing match stem cells from a public bank is approximately thirty-five thousand dollars and is included as part of the hospital fee. but how do we know which private bank to use? give careful consideration before you select a cord blood bank. check accreditations, success records with therapeutic use, and guarantees.

stem cells pros and cons

stem cells pros and cons

modern hair transplants from an uninformedperspective appears to be technologically advanced with the use of various mechanicaldevices to harvest hair grafts for fue or follicular unit extraction surgery. hair transplantsurgeons who have performed fut or strip surgery and fue surgery know that fut or strip surgeryhas a much higher yield of grafts. this means that the modern fue procedure actually createsless volume and density than procedures of the past. in addition with the reality ofthe progression of hair loss and the limitations of the donor area, these same patients whochose to have fues for the perceived benefits of less noticeable scars, have to have anotherfue procedure which yields more scars and

less hair growth than their first our practice, we’ve changed the conversation about hair loss by changing when we recommendhair transplant surgery. briefly, we first treat many of our patients with hair losswith advanced wound healing technology called hair regeneration which stops and reverseshair thinning which typically restores more volume and coverage than a hair transplantwithout surgery. if the patient desires hair transplant to areas where they don’t haveany salvageable hair, we discuss the benefits of strip surgery and fue surgery and optimizetheir surgical results with the same wound healing technology we use for hair regeneration.

stem cells location

stem cells location

i'd like to speak to you about the use of cloningand stem cells to resurrect life. as you know, there are 2 waysto make copies of cells and organisms. the first and most controversial is cloning, and that is also known assomatic cell nuclear transfer. the concept is very simple, you start out with an empty egg,that's the large circle you see and then you placethe cell you want to clone,

the smaller somatic cellright next to it, then you send an electrical chargethrough the unit and it damages the membranebetween the two and the nucleus of the cellyou want to clone dumps into that empty egg; then you add some chemicals, you fool that unit into thinkingthat it is fertilised, it starts to divide and you end up with what is knownas preimplantation embryo.

then you can do one of 2 things with that. you can place that in a petri dish where you can turn that intoembryonic stem cells which are the master cellsof the body and they can turn intovirtually every cell type. and the other alternative is that you can place thatinto a surrogate animal to create an entire organism. another approach that is neweris known as cell reprogramming.

and that leads to what is knownas induced pluripotent stem cells or ips cells. you start out with a somatic cellon a piece of skin, you throw in some transcription factors and bring that differentiated cellback to a state of pluripotency very much like an embryonic stem cell. and we have new tricks now, we can actually turn those cellsinto an entire organism as well. so, to date, about 2 dozen different species have been cloned.

back in 1958 john gurdoncloned the first animal, that was a frog, in fact he was justrecognised for that feat a few months ago with the nobel prize, and since that time, of course,there's been dolly the cloned sheep, and we and other groups have clonedmice and goats and even cats and dogs. in fact, back in the 1990's,we cloned an entire herd of cows from genetically modified cells. so what you actually see here

are animals that are making human albumin in their milk, so we could use the same approachto reconstruct extinct animals ã  la jurassic park. so in this case we took a skin biopsyfrom the ear of a cow, we grew up the cellsknocked in a gene cassette, and then used ordinary eggsto create that herd of animals. so similarly, as george church would describe, we can then take, say, an elephant cell,knock in the genes for tusks, or long ear, or haemoglobin so he can livein a cold climate,

and then using the techniquethat i'll describe later, we can create sperm and eggsand an entire organism from that. so, there are 2 types of cloning. one is known as interspecies cloning and the other is intraspecies. with the intraspecies, you actually use the egg and the cellfrom the same species you want to clone, but using this cross-species approach, we can take the egg of one speciesto clone the cell from another.

and that's very importantif you want to resurrect extinct animals or if you want to cloneendangered animals. back in 2000 we usedthis cross-species technique to clone the first endangered species. in this case it was a gaur, which is a wild oxon the verge of extinction. at the time everyone said, "that's not going to work, that's impossible." and the reason for that is that a cloneisn't really entirely a clone.

it turns out that every cellhas 2 genomes. one is the mitochondrial genome, and the mitochondria are the organelles in the cellthat make energy. that's maternally inherited,so that will come from the egg. and the other genomeis the nuclear genome, and that contains the genesthat distinguish you and i from an elephant or a mouse. so those 2 genomeshave to talk to one another,

and there's evidencethat it can only occur within 8 to 18 million yearsspecies radiation. we got around that problemby using very closely related species, concord and xenograftcombinations. in this particular casewe had a gaur and a cow and they are bothin the bos family. using that approach, we were able to reconstruct these clone gaur embryos, that may look like little circles to you,

but these are actuallybeautiful little gaur blastocysts. the idea here was to create these embryos, send them by fedex offto a farm in iowa where they would be implantedinto some ordinary cows. it turned out that the first round we made and put outside the doorfor the delivery truck guy to pick up, unfortunately, we came the next morning,and they were still there. but eventually fedex did delivera new round of these embryos, they were indeed implantedinto some animals.

i went to iowa entranced over we had 25% pregnancy rate. two of thosewe let continue onto term. unfortunately one of thoseaborted at late stage, it was 202 days. we let one of them continueto just day. and here's bessy,8 months pregnant. we were a bit nervous. the whole world was following us,cnn was running in almost everyday

and we were concerned,"what if bessy gave rise to an ordinary cow? that would be very embarrassing!" (laugher) and that's happened before. so fortunately it did give riseto a beautiful little baby gaur. it's a bit surreal seeing this exotic endangered animal that is normally born in bamboo junglesof southeast asia, being born out in an iwoa farmthat reeked of cow manure,

but it was alive. died unfortunately 2 days later. everyone said, "see bob, the technology doesn't work." about 2 years later,we approached the san diego zoo and they came up with an animalthat's known as banteng. only about 2000 of these animalsare left on the planet. and he had cells from this animal that had been frozen awayfor a quarter of a century. so they sent us a vialof these frozen cells

and again we put those into cow eggs,sent them back off to iowa, and indeed on april fool's day in 2003we had a beautiful little baby banteng which was ultimately transferredto san diego zoo where it livedwith the other bantengs. so this technology does work. there are some problems, but we have new technologiesthat i'll mention that can now solvemany of these bottlenecks. i collect dinosaur fossils.

so when you go to my front door the first thing you seeis this brantosaur's femur. it's about 6 feet longand weighs 800 pounds. and everyone goes,"bob, you gotta clone it!" and that animal was bigger than my house, i don't know what the surrogate would be, although it is an egg! (laughter) in any case, i actually live on an island, and one day a usa today reporterwas there and said,

"you know, you have the island,you need the electric fence." and i told him,"you can't clone from stone." so you are not likely to seeany dinosaurs in your back yard any time soon. but that doesn't mean extinctionis necessarily forever. you just heard from alberto,about celia, so that was the first short-term success. i remember back in 2000 going to zaragoza, spain and meeting with them,meeting with the ministers.

that was only a few monthsafter celia had died and we said we wanted to clone it. they almost laughed and basically saidthat that was science fiction. i actually still have a bottle of winefrom one of the ministers and i'm waitingi'm going to open it when the first bucardosare released in the pyrenees. there are other species. mike archer mentionedthe gastric-brooding frog, frozen cells, so hopefullywe'll be able to resurrect that

using the cross species cloning. but those techniques are limitedas i mentioned, so recently, a few months ago, he shared the nobel prizewith john gurdon, dr yamanaka discovered ips cells, these are the reprogrammed cellsthat i mentioned to you, and using that approachwe now have a new tool for conservation biology. so when yamanaka published his paper showing for the first time

that we can make human ips cells, i published a letter in science,saying that this could also be used for conservation biologyto restore genes from endangered and extinct animals. and that has been usedsuccessfully in some animals. there are many techniques,this is just one of them here: something known astetraploid complimentation. what happens is, you startwith your fertilised egg, you let it divide the 2 cell stage,

and then you fuse those 2 cellsso there's twice as much dna in it, that is why it is calledthe tetraploid. and then you let that divide and it continues to divideinto what's known as a blastocyst. that will only create the placenta,and extra embryonic membranes, it will not create the embryo per say. so you can inject ips cellsinto that blastocyst and they all to go onto become the animal so you can start out with an embryo,surrogate that's white,

inject your ips cellsfrom a pigmented animal and get all ips animals,essentially clones. so we can do that and we can make ips cellsfrom almost any animals, from horses,from avian species. so you can make them very readilyunlike the normal cloning procedure. but the more likely waythis is going to occur is to actually turn the ips cellsinto eggs and sperm. you have just a little piece of skinfrom any endangered animal

or a closely related, say, for the mammothyou can start with an elephant, you add the transcription factors, turn them into ips cells and then those can be coaxedinto premodial germ cells and then turninto either sperm or eggs. and indeed that does work. a few months agofor the first time a group in japanturned ips cells into eggs

that resulted in live pups, and a year before the same groupturned ips cells into sperm that could create live pups as well. so the goal for these extinct speciesis simply to start like an elephant cell, upregulate the various genesfor tusks, long ear, whatever, and then you just create sperm and eggs, and then you create an entire organism. but just in case that doesn't work, and for those of youwho are jurassic park fans,

i actually have a piece of amberin my pocket and it really does have a mosquito in it. thank you. (applause)

stem cells journal

stem cells journal

a study published in the journal arthroscopyby saw and colleagues has drawn some interest. the investigators took 50 patients aged 18to 50 with grade 3 and 4 osteoarthritis and randomized them to receive either arthroscopicbone drilling with addition of the lubricant, hyaluronic acid or hyaluronic acid with stemcells obtained from peripheral blood. each group received 5 weekly injections startingone week after surgery. the group that received the hyaluronic acid plus the stem cells didbetter as far as improvement in quality of cartilage as shown by cartilage histologyand magnetic resonance imaging. very compelling study.

stem cells international

stem cells international

an international team of researchers has developedan artificial version of the human midbrain using stem cells. their creation will allow for more extensiveresearch and drug testing,... and could have broad treatment implications -- especiallyfor degenerative disorders involving the motor system. park jong-hong explains. the breakthrough could eventually be life-alteringnews for patients of parkinson's disease. the leading degenerative disorder of the centralnervous system is a condition stemming from the midbrain, which is in charge of motorfunctions that control auditory and eye movements,

vision and body movements. the midbrain contains special neurons thatproduce dopamine, and the disease develops when the number of neurons decreases. with the breakthrough, scientists have createda miniature version of the midbrain, which they hope will shed light on exactly how parkinson'sevolves and lead to a cure for it and other aging-related brain diseases. while miniature versions of the brain havebeen developed before, this one is the first of its kind. it is a three-dimensional miniature with tissuesthat were grown in a laboratory using stem

cells cultivated from human blood, and itcan be used in a variety of drug tests instead of in experiments on actual patients. the medical community is abuzz about the possibilitiesfor research and treatment the breakthrough will have. the joint study was conducted by an internationalteam led by professor shawn je from duke-nus medical school and a*star's genome instituteof singapore. their findings were published this month inthe journal cell stem cell. park jong-hong arirang news.

stem cells inc

stem cells inc

you've reached placidway, the leading healthtourism company! subscribe to our youtube channel and get instant access to all of ourlatest health videos. stem cell treatment for spinal muscular atrophysma spinal muscular atrophy, more commonly knownas sma, afflicts millions of individuals around theworld. considered a neuromuscular disease, the condition causes a degeneration or destructionof motor neurons, which transmit signals fromthe brain to the muscles. the condition causes eventualatrophy or wasting away of muscles throughout the body, and can affect all age groups andgenders. stem cell research facilities in

treatment centers around the world have beguntreating sma symptoms with embryonic stem cell transplantsand implantation therapies, offering remission inup to 75% of cases, as well as helping to diminish the symptoms of neurogenic dystrophyin patients in 90% of cases in some clinicaland treatments studies. clinical trials in stem cell treatments andtherapies for spinal muscular atrophy are focusedon determining efficacy data, assuring safety, and quality assurance in the implementationof testing, currently under way in multiple facilities throughout the united states, includingthe university of california, california stem

cell, inc., and john hopkins. facilities inthe ukraine, western europe, asia, and latin americaare also conducting clinical trials, therapies and treatments utilizing stem cells in thetreatment of spinal muscular atrophy. stem cell therapy to treat sma focuses oncompletely replacing motor neurons that have beendamaged or destroyed due to the disease process. not only will such treatments slow down thedisease progression, but may also be used to treat a variety of disorders includingspinal cord injuries or other neuromuscular damage or disease processes that interruptsthe flow of information signals controlling nerve and muscular movement.if you want to know more, please contact us!