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what can stem cells cure

what can stem cells cure

you've reached placidway, the leading healthtourism company where you can compare the most affordabletreatments worldwide! subscribe to our youtube channel and get instant access to all of ourlatest health videos. umbilical cord stem cell therapywhen parents have children, they don't always think of what might happen in the future.illness and medical conditions that might occur as the child grows older are now beingthought of when parents decide to collect and store their newborn’s umbilical cordblood in a cord bank. during the 1970s, doctors discovered that the blood found within theumbilical cord could supply blood-forming stem cells, and they began to collect andstore them in stem cell banks. these special

stem cells are capable of turning into threetypes of mature blood cells that are found in all humans; red and white blood cells,and platelets. children who suffer from cancer or other blooddiseases must undergo chemotherapy or radiation to treat their condition, but these treatmentsalso harm healthy cells within the body, including the cells in the bone marrow, where red bloodcells are formed. for children who need a bone marrow transplant, which can be complicatedsince a matched donor must be willing to donate bone marrow. instead, or in combination toa bone marrow transplant, previously stored and healthy umbilical cord blood cells aretransplanted into the child, and go on to create new, healthy blood cells which in turnenhance the child’s blood production and

immune system.benefits of umbilical cord stem cell treatments the benefit of using umbilical cord stem cellsis vital when a child is faced with a medical illness or diseases. since the placenta andumbilical cord have traditional been discarded, finding these cells increase the chances ofsurvival when an individual is faced with cancers, blood diseases or other ailments.being frozen cryogenically also means they are available for use at any time, which isvery important when faced with cancer or other serious medical condition. millions of parentshave frozen and store their baby's umbilical cord blood these days, and their numbers aregrowing. stem cell research and development is entering an exciting era, and it is hopedthat someday soon, multiple treatments for

formerly incurable illnesses and disease processeswill be discovered, making storage of umbilical cord blood stem cells invaluable.

what are the different types of stem cells

what are the different types of stem cells

hello, you've reached placidway, theleading health tourism company where you can compare the most affordabletreatment worldwide. subscribe to our youtube channel and get instant accessto all of our leaders helped videos, patient testimonials treatment centers andprocedures and exotic destinations around the world. everything is at yourfingertips. stem cell treatments research and technology are no longer relegatedto science fiction novels or movies. research and development as themselvesalso goes way beyond the use of embryonic stem cell-based therapy. nowlook at the brief overview of stem cell therapy research. scientific researchinto stem cells out identified multiple

types of stem cells and sourcesembryonic stem cell therapy. adult stem cell therapy and research. umbilicalchords therapy. embryonic stem cell therapy these cells are taken fromearly-stage embryos many from aborted fetuses because of such controversyscientists spent decades studying other ways to develop stem cells that wouldoffer more appeal unless controversy. adult stem cell therapy this type ofstem cells taken from bone marrow adult stem cells can be instructed toform a certain type of cell such as nerve cells, cardiac cells,skiin cells,muscle cells and so forth. because these cells are found in the skin blood andbone marrow or umbilical cord stem cell

therapy is utilized through the blood ofumbilical cords after then the rest of the afterbirth has been expelled fromthe body after baby is born. as a rich source of stem cells many parents todayare banking their children's umbilical cord cells in case they are needed forcuring disease in the future. who benefits from stem cell therapytreatments? the world's scientists and medicalexperts have been studying and using stem cells treatments and stem celltherapy to treat a wide range of illnesses injuries and disease processesincluding but not limited to nearly logical diseases like boren cancers,organ cancers, heart disease processes

musculoskeletal conditions and injuries.cosmetic and reconstruction treatments. medical's themselves tourism currentlyknows themselves therapy options are available and the us- which prompts manyamericans to venture to international destinations for them. the potential costof stem cell therapies in the us may be prohibitively expensive, whichencourages those hoping in seeking cures for illnesses injuries and diseaseprocesses to travel to china and japan europe and india among others. placidway is your ultimate resource forstem cell therapy. contact us for more information.

what are stem cells used for

what are stem cells used for

i'd like to speak to you about the use of cloningand stem cells to resurrect life. as you know, there are 2 waysto make copies of cells and organisms. the first and most controversial is cloning, and that is also known assomatic cell nuclear transfer. the concept is very simple, you start out with an empty egg,that's the large circle you see and then you placethe cell you want to clone,

the smaller somatic cellright next to it, then you send an electrical chargethrough the unit and it damages the membranebetween the two and the nucleus of the cellyou want to clone dumps into that empty egg; then you add some chemicals, you fool that unit into thinkingthat it is fertilised, it starts to divide and you end up with what is knownas preimplantation embryo.

then you can do one of 2 things with that. you can place that in a petri dish where you can turn that intoembryonic stem cells which are the master cellsof the body and they can turn intovirtually every cell type. and the other alternative is that you can place thatinto a surrogate animal to create an entire organism. another approach that is neweris known as cell reprogramming.

and that leads to what is knownas induced pluripotent stem cells or ips cells. you start out with a somatic cellon a piece of skin, you throw in some transcription factors and bring that differentiated cellback to a state of pluripotency very much like an embryonic stem cell. and we have new tricks now, we can actually turn those cellsinto an entire organism as well. so, to date, about 2 dozen different species have been cloned.

back in 1958 john gurdoncloned the first animal, that was a frog, in fact he was justrecognised for that feat a few months ago with the nobel prize, and since that time, of course,there's been dolly the cloned sheep, and we and other groups have clonedmice and goats and even cats and dogs. in fact, back in the 1990's,we cloned an entire herd of cows from genetically modified cells. so what you actually see here

are animals that are making human albumin in their milk, so we could use the same approachto reconstruct extinct animals ã  la jurassic park. so in this case we took a skin biopsyfrom the ear of a cow, we grew up the cellsknocked in a gene cassette, and then used ordinary eggsto create that herd of animals. so similarly, as george church would describe, we can then take, say, an elephant cell,knock in the genes for tusks, or long ear, or haemoglobin so he can livein a cold climate,

and then using the techniquethat i'll describe later, we can create sperm and eggsand an entire organism from that. so, there are 2 types of cloning. one is known as interspecies cloning and the other is intraspecies. with the intraspecies, you actually use the egg and the cellfrom the same species you want to clone, but using this cross-species approach, we can take the egg of one speciesto clone the cell from another.

and that's very importantif you want to resurrect extinct animals or if you want to cloneendangered animals. back in 2000 we usedthis cross-species technique to clone the first endangered species. in this case it was a gaur, which is a wild oxon the verge of extinction. at the time everyone said, "that's not going to work, that's impossible." and the reason for that is that a cloneisn't really entirely a clone.

it turns out that every cellhas 2 genomes. one is the mitochondrial genome, and the mitochondria are the organelles in the cellthat make energy. that's maternally inherited,so that will come from the egg. and the other genomeis the nuclear genome, and that contains the genesthat distinguish you and i from an elephant or a mouse. so those 2 genomeshave to talk to one another,

and there's evidencethat it can only occur within 8 to 18 million yearsspecies radiation. we got around that problemby using very closely related species, concord and xenograftcombinations. in this particular casewe had a gaur and a cow and they are bothin the bos family. using that approach, we were able to reconstruct these clone gaur embryos, that may look like little circles to you,

but these are actuallybeautiful little gaur blastocysts. the idea here was to create these embryos, send them by fedex offto a farm in iowa where they would be implantedinto some ordinary cows. it turned out that the first round we made and put outside the doorfor the delivery truck guy to pick up, unfortunately, we came the next morning,and they were still there. but eventually fedex did delivera new round of these embryos, they were indeed implantedinto some animals.

i went to iowa entranced over we had 25% pregnancy rate. two of thosewe let continue onto term. unfortunately one of thoseaborted at late stage, it was 202 days. we let one of them continueto just day. and here's bessy,8 months pregnant. we were a bit nervous. the whole world was following us,cnn was running in almost everyday

and we were concerned,"what if bessy gave rise to an ordinary cow? that would be very embarrassing!" (laugher) and that's happened before. so fortunately it did give riseto a beautiful little baby gaur. it's a bit surreal seeing this exotic endangered animal that is normally born in bamboo junglesof southeast asia, being born out in an iwoa farmthat reeked of cow manure,

but it was alive. died unfortunately 2 days later. everyone said, "see bob, the technology doesn't work." about 2 years later,we approached the san diego zoo and they came up with an animalthat's known as banteng. only about 2000 of these animalsare left on the planet. and he had cells from this animal that had been frozen awayfor a quarter of a century. so they sent us a vialof these frozen cells

and again we put those into cow eggs,sent them back off to iowa, and indeed on april fool's day in 2003we had a beautiful little baby banteng which was ultimately transferredto san diego zoo where it livedwith the other bantengs. so this technology does work. there are some problems, but we have new technologiesthat i'll mention that can now solvemany of these bottlenecks. i collect dinosaur fossils.

so when you go to my front door the first thing you seeis this brantosaur's femur. it's about 6 feet longand weighs 800 pounds. and everyone goes,"bob, you gotta clone it!" and that animal was bigger than my house, i don't know what the surrogate would be, although it is an egg! (laughter) in any case, i actually live on an island, and one day a usa today reporterwas there and said,

"you know, you have the island,you need the electric fence." and i told him,"you can't clone from stone." so you are not likely to seeany dinosaurs in your back yard any time soon. but that doesn't mean extinctionis necessarily forever. you just heard from alberto,about celia, so that was the first short-term success. i remember back in 2000 going to zaragoza, spain and meeting with them,meeting with the ministers.

that was only a few monthsafter celia had died and we said we wanted to clone it. they almost laughed and basically saidthat that was science fiction. i actually still have a bottle of winefrom one of the ministers and i'm waitingi'm going to open it when the first bucardosare released in the pyrenees. there are other species. mike archer mentionedthe gastric-brooding frog, frozen cells, so hopefullywe'll be able to resurrect that

using the cross species cloning. but those techniques are limitedas i mentioned, so recently, a few months ago, he shared the nobel prizewith john gurdon, dr yamanaka discovered ips cells, these are the reprogrammed cellsthat i mentioned to you, and using that approachwe now have a new tool for conservation biology. so when yamanaka published his paper showing for the first time

that we can make human ips cells, i published a letter in science,saying that this could also be used for conservation biologyto restore genes from endangered and extinct animals. and that has been usedsuccessfully in some animals. there are many techniques,this is just one of them here: something known astetraploid complimentation. what happens is, you startwith your fertilised egg, you let it divide the 2 cell stage,

and then you fuse those 2 cellsso there's twice as much dna in it, that is why it is calledthe tetraploid. and then you let that divide and it continues to divideinto what's known as a blastocyst. that will only create the placenta,and extra embryonic membranes, it will not create the embryo per say. so you can inject ips cellsinto that blastocyst and they all to go onto become the animal so you can start out with an embryo,surrogate that's white,

inject your ips cellsfrom a pigmented animal and get all ips animals,essentially clones. so we can do that and we can make ips cellsfrom almost any animals, from horses,from avian species. so you can make them very readilyunlike the normal cloning procedure. but the more likely waythis is going to occur is to actually turn the ips cellsinto eggs and sperm. you have just a little piece of skinfrom any endangered animal

or a closely related, say, for the mammothyou can start with an elephant, you add the transcription factors, turn them into ips cells and then those can be coaxedinto premodial germ cells and then turninto either sperm or eggs. and indeed that does work. a few months agofor the first time a group in japanturned ips cells into eggs

that resulted in live pups, and a year before the same groupturned ips cells into sperm that could create live pups as well. so the goal for these extinct speciesis simply to start like an elephant cell, upregulate the various genesfor tusks, long ear, whatever, and then you just create sperm and eggs, and then you create an entire organism. but just in case that doesn't work, and for those of youwho are jurassic park fans,

i actually have a piece of amberin my pocket and it really does have a mosquito in it. thank you. (applause)

what are stem cells in humans

what are stem cells in humans

an artificial version of the human mid-brainusing stem cells. it will allow for more extensive researchand drug testing. park jong-hong explains how the creation byan international team of researchers could have broad treatment implications... especiallyfor degenerative disorders involving the motor system. the breakthrough could eventually be life-alteringnews for patients of parkinson's disease. the leading degenerative disorder of the centralnervous system is a condition stemming from the midbrain, which is in charge of motorfunctions that control auditory and eye movements, vision and body movements.

the midbrain contains special neurons thatproduce dopamine, and the disease develops when the number of neurons decreases. with the breakthrough, scientists have createda miniature version of the midbrain, which they hope will shed light on exactly how parkinson'sevolves and lead to a cure for it and other aging-related brain diseases. while miniature versions of the brain havebeen developed before, this one is the first of its kind. it is a three-dimensional miniature with tissuesthat were grown in a laboratory using stem cells cultivated from human blood, and itcan be used in a variety of drug tests instead

of in experiments on actual patients. the medical community is abuzz about the possibilitiesfor research and treatment the breakthrough will have. the joint study was conducted by an internationalteam led by professor shawn je from duke-nus medical school and a*star's genome instituteof singapore. their findings were published this month inthe journal cell stem cell. park jong-hong arirang news.

what are stem cells and why are they important

what are stem cells and why are they important

- [voiceover] you've probablyheard of stem cells by now. you probably know thatevery cell in our body, whether it's a muscle cell or a nerve cell or a skin cell or a red blood cell, or any other type of cell really, they all came from a common group of stem cells during development. all of these really,really specialized cells like this muscle cell here

with its little contractile proteins, and this nerve cell herethat can send signals, and this waterproof skin cell here, and this red blood cellthat carries our oxygen, all of these came fromthese stem cells up here, which were completely unspecialized. how does something like this happen? it's actually pretty interesting. let me first give you an analogy here.

just imagine a library, right, like the one you used to go to when you were a teenageror something like that, and the one that youhopefully still go to. it has all the booksyou can imagine, right, but depending on which books you borrow and which books you read, you are changed. you end up knowing a totallydifferent subset of stuff compared to someone who read

different books than you, right? but all the books that you both read are still in this one library. there's actually a really similar system with our genes and with our dna. recall that inside the nucleusof each cell is your dna. this is our library, this isour set of genetic instructions for building our entire body. within our dna libraryhere we have our books,

which are segments of ourdna that we call genes. genes give our cells specific instructions on how to make differentkinds of proteins. having different proteins around, that changes the way our cells look and it changes the way our cells act so it gives our cellsreally different abilities. what i mean with the exception of the red blood cells which lack nucleii,

every single somatic cell in your body contains the exact same dna. yet this muscle cell here, right, it looks and it actsdifferently to this neuron here. that's because they're each reading different books in our dna library. they're using differentgenes to make their proteins. just a bit of terminology here, when a cell is activelyusing certain genes,

it's said to be expressing those genes. a gene being expressedis said to be turned on, and one not being expressed is turned off, so just keep that in mind. why am i telling you all of this? because in the end it all relates to how our stem cells all the way up here end up differentiating into ourspecialized cells down here. the bottom line is inorder to differentiate to,

for example, specializeinto our muscle cell here, this stem cell up here turnedon its muscle cell genes. here's its dna and i'mhighlighting its muscle cell genes that it turned on right now. it also turned off some other genes. by turning on its muscle cell genes, now proteins get made within the cell that changes how the cell looks. see now it's a bit elongated, right,

this muscle cell here. it also changes its functions. now our muscle cell hascontractile proteins in it to help it be a nice useful muscle cell to help us move around, right? now our neuron here,our stem cell turned on its become-a-neuron genes here, right? it turned off some other ones, and then the cell started producing

all the proteins it neededto turn into a neuron. like the proteins that wouldmake it elongate like this and grow out these littlespiky things up here called dendrites, okay? let me also say that remember our stem cell up here was pluripotent. it could turn into any ofour somatic adult body cells. but once it's specializedinto these mature cell types, these can't go on todifferentiate into other cells.

they actually can'tde-differentiate either. they can't go backwards upto stem cells naturally, at least in us humans. so these cells stickaround to form our bodies. by now you must be wondering what determines whatgenes in the given cell are turned on or off? in other words, how theheck does this cell know it's time to specializeinto a different cell type?

it turns out that cells decide what they're going to grow up to be based on cues they get. these cues can be fromtheir internal environment or their cues can come fromtheir external environment, their outside environment. let me just show you two major ways this can happen here, these cues. in the development of lotsof different organisms,

us humans included, we start out with onecell, right, the zygote. our zygote has these little proteins called transcriptionfactors floating around in its cytoplasm. also the precursors ofthese transcription factors are there too, little bits of mrna. two things to note. first, transcription factorswill activate certain genes

and turn them on. that's what transcription factors do. second, notice that all theselittle transcription factors are clustered around in one area. this is important because whenthe zygote starts to divide, where do all thesetranscription factors end up? like you see here, theyonly end up in the cells that divided off in that original region where they all wereclustered around, right?

so these cells up here don'thave any or don't have much, and these cells down here have a whole heap of transcription factors. now you can imagine that different genes will get activated inthese different cells. that'll determine what each ofthese cells specializes into because now they're gonnamake different proteins. this mechanism here ispretty appropriately called asymmetric segregationof cellular determinants.

it's this big mouthful herebut if we break it down here, you can see asymmetric becauseit really just refers to how these transcription factors are not symmetrically distributed among the daughter cells here. this cellular determinantsbit is just referring to the transcriptionfactors or their precursors. that's one way that cells can be made to specialize into different things,

just having differenttranscription factors around. but the second way tospecialization that i'll mention is called inductivesignaling or just induction. induction is kind of likereally strong encouragement, almost like peer pressure, where one cell or actuallyusually a group of cells can induce another groupof cells to differentiate by just using some signals. the signals could bepassed a few different ways

so they could be passed by diffusion. they could be released from one group and just diffused over to the other group where they'll bind receptorson the other groups and cause the cells overthere to differentiate. or the induction could be done by direct contact between cells, right? you can see these little surface proteins on each of these cells binding each other.

that's direct contact. or you could have signalspassed through gap junctions, which are little connections, or actually i should say connexons between cells that are connected and that could inducethe cell to specialize, this cell over here. i called this a connexonbecause in cellular biology, these proteins that makeup part of a gap junction

are collectively called a connexon. anyway, induction is absolutely key in forming lots of our body parts, like our limbs are formed bypartially through induction. our ears and our eyes andlots more of our body parts are formed throughinduction in development, in embryological development. so induction is really importantin cell specialization. on that note, i'll just remindyou remember the goal here

with the cytoplasmic determinants, those transcription factorsi talked about earlier and then all these signalsthat you get in induction, remember the goal is to get cells to change their gene expression, right? to flick on or flick off certain genes, which ultimately is whatcauses cells to differentiate into other more specialized cells.

what are stem cells and where do they come from

what are stem cells and where do they come from

ty bollinger: okay. you mentioned stem cells.dr. bradford weeks: right. for the past seven years – i am one of four doctors now thatis qualified to teach insulin potentiated chemotherapy ipt. andthat is a fabulous way to do chemotherapy. so fabulous that i justthink it is illogical for anyone who is going to get chemotherapy if they want to do chemothey should do ipt. a couple of quick reasons and this might beincluded in other people discussing it. you have to know that whenyou give insulin it shifts the cancer cells to what is called the s phase or the synthesisphase or the active phase. and that is the only phase that chemotherapycan be effective. so you have really four

phases that thecancer cell can be in. so you got a 25% chance if you give chemo that it is going to killthe cancer cell. well if you give insulin beforehand it pushes them at about70% s phase. so now you got almost a three out of four chanceto kill cancer cells. if you are going to give chemo let’s kill the cancer cells.just giving a little insulin pushes the cells into a vulnerable phase.the second thing i like about insulin potentiated chemotherapy is that when you give the insulinit makes the cell membranes not only more permeable tochemotherapy selectively compared to your other healthy cells,but it also inhibits the cancer cell from

kicking out the toxic chemotherapy. as goodas ipt is i don’t offer it anymore. the reason i don’t is it only killstumors. cancer tumors are not the real target. cancer stem cellswhich is usually about less than 3% of the tumor mass would be the cancer stem cell. theseare the ring leaders. these are the guys that are fomentinga riot and they have their lieutenants. but for the most part agroup riot is really composed of bystanders who watch and maybe go along. the tumor isnot dangerous. the primary tumor rarely kills people unless itgrows big enough to obstruct an airway or an artery or something.but it is the metastatic process that is dangerous.

what we now know from people like professormax wicha, max dean at stanford, wicha is in michiganthe literature if you search cancer stem cells and google it if anyof the patients will search cancer stem cells they will see that the cancer stem cell isthe real target. and one of my favorite quotes is thomas pynchon ingravity’s rainbow he says, "if you can get people to ask the wrongquestion the answer doesn’t matter." the wrong question being asked is how can we shrinktumors, how can we kill tumors – all my good, wonderfulcolleagues are targeting the tumors. for the last six years i have beenthe only one saying you got to go after the

cancer stem cells. if you shrink the tumorit is not correlated to longevity. if you attack the tumor effectivelyit will as injured tissue secrete an inflammatory cytokine to recruituncommitted stem cells from the mezankine to migrate to the injured tissue, the cancerwhich was attacked by the chemo. now here come thesestem cells to the attacked tumor, injured tissue. and they sayhere we come. by the way, what would you like us to become? and they become a tumor. that's why max whica is on record and a distinguished professorof oncology. max wicha is on record for saying chemotherapy andradiation make your cancer worse.

you can’t just stop a gazillion dollar industryin its tracks and have everyone say to their patients sorry nochemo today. our gurus have told us not. until they can start making money on an anti-inflammatorywhich is what they are working on now because the anti-inflammatorywill stop the recruitment of the cancer of the non– of the stem cells which become cancer stem cells. anyway, the thing i wanted tosay there is that the real target is to stop cancer stem cells for threereasons – only they metastasize. tumor cells don’t metastasize.the cancer stem cell metastasizes. the cancer stem cells are resistant to chemo and you can

do what you want with chemo and are not targeting the real villain, the real culprit. the thirdthing is that if you don’t address the cancer stem cells your cancer is coming back becausethose are the ones that can recreate a cancer. but nobody istargeting them. so i say to my patients if you are going to see youroncologist ask him or her what are you going to do to help me be healthy while you killmy tumor because that is all they can do. current oncologists are only killing tumorsand patients, but they are not killing cancer stem cells. the second question is what is your treatmentgoing to do to my cancer stem cells. and ty,

then they have towatch the eyes of the oncologist. because if they get kind of a blank stare like whatare you talking about then they are not up to speed on literature andyou have to run away. and if they give this oh damn i’m busted kindof sideways look then it is a really unfortunate situation because they know that their treatmentsaren’t helping. they are just using the patient as a renewableresource which is tragic. so cancer stem cells need to beaddressed and currently the only way to do that is anti-inflammatories.ty bollinger: and the anti inflammatories help to kill the cancer stem cells?dr. bradford weeks: there is literature that

says for example metformin selectively targetscancer stem cells. there are a lot of agents out there that selectivelytarget cancer stem cells. ty bollinger: and metformin is that a drug?dr. bradford weeks: it is a blood sugar lowering drug. but there are arthritis drugs – aspirin.too much aspirin will kill you, but you got to havesome anti-inflammatories. we use a product called soul which isground up black cumin seed, black raspberry seed and chardonnay grape seed. these arevery powerful anti-inflammatory seeds, which have been well studied. water.tremendous benefit just by having good quality water to flush your system. seeds have oilin them and oils help restore a membrane of

cells integrity. a lot ofbenefits to eating the seeds.

what are embryonic stem cells

what are embryonic stem cells

hello, you've reached placidway, the leadinghealth tourism company where you can compare the most affordable treatments worldwide!subscribe to our youtube channel and get instant access to all of our latest health videos.embryonic stem cell therapy embryonic stem cells are derived from embryonictissues. in most cases, embryonic stem cells are created or procured from embryos thathave been developed from eggs fertilized through in-vitro fertilization procedures, but whatmost people don't know or realize is that many of them are donated for research purposeswith informed consent of the donors. it should be stated unequivocally that embryonic stemcells are not taken from eggs fertilized within a woman's body.embryonic stem cell research

embryonic stem cell research will more thanlikely continue to be embroiled in moral and ethical debates regardless of the fact thatresearching and studying their potential for health and medical research may very wellprovide treatments and cures for disease processes such as alzheimer's, parkinson's,leukemia,other cancers, and forms of diabetes. embryonic stem cell research & treatment ofhuman diseases embryonic stem cell research has been usedfor the treatment of human diseases for many years. since the late 1990s, the universityof wisconsin, among other stem cell research facilities in the united states and aroundthe world, have developed techniques to isolate and grow certain types of stem cells for medicalresearch.the potential of embryonic, adult

stem cell, placenta and umbilical cord stemcells in the treatment of human illnesses and disease processes including diabetes,kidney disease, cancers, mental disease processes such as parkinson's and alzheimer's, as wellas in cardiac care, and spinal cord injury treatment is unlimited. if you want to know more, contact us.